The Gala PT 1

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A/N: Book one is nearly at the end we will be getting into Clone Wars season 1 soon enough.

Revana woke to discover Satine had arrived sometime early morning, the Dutchess laughing softly as Revana all but zombie shuffled out of her room to get some caf. Revana was shocked to also find her Dire Cat cub was with Satine as well "Vaner!" she said excitedly.

The Dire Cat still thought it was big enough to be toted around and leaped into her arms nearly knocking her over before rubbing his head all over her face and neck while chuffing and purring happily "Your too big to jump into my arms like that," Revana laughed.

Satine had a warm smile on her face as the door opened to reveal Padme "Oh, my!" Padme said in alarm

"It's alright Senator Amadala, Vaner just missed his ori'vod terribly," Satine replied.

Padme's eyes went wide with the realization "That's Vaner?"

"It is Padme, he has grown since last you saw him," Revana said as Vaner finally decided she had been smothered enough.

Vaner walked over to Padme and sniffed her before rubbing his head against her leg and purring happily "He remembers you,"

"He is a handsome boy," Padme said.

Vaner let out a chuff before padding over to the couch, hopping on he laid down resting his head on his paws. Vaner's watchful eyes kept up with the one who nursed him back to health and raised him "The color suits him," Padme said

"I made it myself, he was excited when he first got it, he wants to take it off when he is swimming in the pool or his weekly bath," Revana replied

"Oh, yes, Vaner is very spoiled, but a gentleman," Satine said, "More of a gentleman than most men I know,"

Vaner yawned before laying his head on his paws again as Revana walked to the kitchen and made her some caf "I was considering going to the Corrie Guard Barracks to check on Commander Fox and his men," Revana said

"I am sure that the Guard wouldn't mind a visit from the one who saved one of their brothers," Padme said

"You heard about that?" Revana asked

"Anakin told me, but he didn't think that Palpatine would try and do what he did," Padme said.

Revana nodded "Now, I don't know what is going on but Satine why are you here?"

"I was informed there was to be a Gala held in the GAR's honor in a week, I was invited to attend as were you, sadly I don't have a plus one," Satine said with a sigh

"There is always Windu," Revana pointed out.

Satine's eyes narrowed into slits "You're not funny,"

"So, what about you?" Padme asked.

Revana flushed lightly "I don't know if he would consider it," she said

"Oh?" Satine asked, "Does 'he' have a name?"

"It's Kote of the 212th Attack Battalion," Revana replied

"Commander Cody?" Padme asked, "As in Obi-Wan's Commander?"

"Lek," Revana said.

Satine sighed softly "I hate to admit it but Jango has some mighty fine sons,"

"Yes, a very target-rich environment to be fair," Padme replied

"Oh, hush you, you married my vod'ika Padme," Revana said with a chuckle

"It would be a good idea for you to shop for a dress," Satine said.

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