The Battle for Naboo

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Satine watched as Revana boarded the craft carrying the Jedi and the Nabooian Queen within "I don't like this Stella," she said, "Revana is only 12,"

"I know Satine, but the Passion for her heritage is what helps her," Stella said, "Revana has every right to be called who she is, she is a Mandalorian, she may have been raised around pacifists most of her life, but her father and I were fighters, we helped those who needed it even if it was to keep us fed."

Satine sighed knowing that her friend and protector was correct "She won't be alone Stella," Jango Fett spoke up, "The Haat' Ade is getting ready to deploy to Naboo as we speak,"

"Same for my cell," Pre said, "We know Revana is the hope of our people, if she comes to a compromise we all agree on there will be many who will call her their leader."

Satine eyed the disgraced Mand'alor and the son of the man who held the Dark Saber "The republic knows I have no control over what those who have been exiled do, to the Republic you aren't considered Mandalorians," Satine said, "But please do smack around the Trade Federation for me, I fear that they will pull something like this with Mandalore, and it would be a good idea that just because the Planet is lead by the New Mandalorians, that those who live in the sector that calls it home are still Mandalorian regardless of the planet they are from."

Stella gave her a proud yet gentle smile "Something we can finally agree on," Pre snorted, "Come on Jango can't let Revana have all the fun now can we?"

Jango chuckled "No we cannot,"

"You two be careful, Revana already reveal that the Sith are involved in this plot, show them that the Mandalorians will no longer serve at their whim," Stella said.


For Revana it was simple to stay with Anakin and protect him, but what didn't make it so simple is when Anakin took a fighter for a damn joy ride with R2 right along for the party. Jumping into her own fighter with an R2 unit by the name of R2-D5 which was a black and gold little astral mech with spunk for days as her partner "D5 monitor com chatter look for anything representing Mando'a," I said

:: Of course, Mandalorian I will monitor for your kind,:: came the reply.

Revana as soon as she hit space above Naboo found herself in a dog fight 'Trust in the Force and the Ka'ra young Revana,' she heard her father say in her mind.

Revana rolled, dove, and returned fire as she looked for Anakin's fighter to no avail "D5, see if you can't get me Anakin's fighter,"

She could hear Anakin's voice telling R2 that he was trying "Anakin? Are you alright?" she asked

"Revana, I am in the main ship, the fighter isn't starting," Anakin said in a panic

"Alright Anakin, calm down take a breath what do you see around you?" she asked

"Droids and a lot of them," came the reply

"Anakin, I want you to listen very carefully your ship may be overheated meaning that it may take a few to get the engines back online," she advised.

:: Mistress, it would be wise to inform you that the Mandalorians have arrived and they are targeting the Trade Federation,:: D5 said

"Attention all Naboo Pilots, the Mandalorian Exiles have arrived, do not fire." she said into the coms, "I repeat don't fire,"

"Of course Princess," came the reply.

Slave 1 came into view followed by Pre's craft the two ships blasting holes in anything that crossed them except Naboo fighters "Something's happening," a pilot said as she maneuvered her ship.

Sure enough, the main control ship for the droid army was blowing up on the inside...ANAKIN!

"Anakin, was that you?" she asked

"I panicked and I handled it," Anakin replied as she and D5 laughed

"All Mandalorian Exile forces follow on my wing tips look for the Black and Gold R2 unit," she said

"Revana Ordo what the name of the Mand'a are you doing in a dog fight in space of all things?" Pre demanded

"That was my fault," Anakin said

"I will tell you once we land," Revana said.


Jango followed close behind the Naboo fighter that Revana sat in as it glided gracefully back to Naboo, Revana was a natural pilot that was for sure. As soon as they landed Revana jumped out of her fighter and when to the one that held the boy that was Tattooine "Are you alright Anakin?" Revana asked concerned as she looked for any injures

"R2 helped me keep safe," the boy replied.

Revana sighed "Don't do that to me again, I was told to..." Revana paused turning her head to look around, "Obi?"

Jango's heart sank at that as Obi-Wan came through the doors carrying the body of his Master. Revana and Anakin rushed over to Obi-Wan "What happened?"

"The Sith...he killed Master Jinn," Obi-Wan said.

Obi-Wan looked so broken right now all Jango wanted to do was walk over and wrap his arms around him "And the Sith?" Pre asked

"I cut him in half he's dead," Obi-Wan said, "I...I tapped into the dark side to do it,"

Revana's hand came out and smacked Obi-wan upside his head "I don't want to hear that come out of your mouth Obi-Wan Kenobi am I clear?" Revana demanded, "You did not tap into the dark side, if you had I would have felt it and came down there and kicked both your shebs and the sith's,"

Jango looked over to Pre who snickered "That I have no doubt of cousin, and what would your buir say if she heard you speaking like that?"

"Master Jinn all but allowed her to get away with murder since she joined us for this mission," Obi-wan said with a wet laugh.


The Exiled Mandalorians stayed to witness the Jedi's funeral pyre many were happy to see another Jedi dead, but what they weren't happy about was the fact that the Sith had returned. Much of the Suffering the Mandalorians had faced was due to the Sith. Revana stood on the otherside of Anakin a hand resting on the boy's shoulder. Many Mandalorians wanted to adopt Anakin. Stella Ordo most of all. The boy was spirited and had the soul of a Mandalorian. The next day the people gathered to witness the alliance between the Naboo and the Native Gungan people, Mandalorian exiles kept a close and watchful eye on the event making sure no one harmed their princess.

Bastila Ordo knew that who Kenobi fought was not the Master, but the apprentice and that she was sure that the Sith Master was alive and well. It was a year after Naboo when she was captured and imprisoned by the Sith Lord; Darth Tyrannus who had been Count Dooku "You will tell me all you know about Jango Fett," the Count said

"Kriff you," she growled out only to scream as her torture began...

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