New Armor

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Revana vented a sigh the ALPHAs had been pulled off the front lines and sent back to Kamino and the CCs were taking command of the battalions. With Revana being forced to stay on Mandalore, more vode were dying and it didn't sit well with her not one bit. Revana was resorceful if anything and she had already devised a plan to deal with the issues at hand. Going to the Goran wasn't the problem, it was getting the Beskar that the Republic was taken that was the problem. Revana didn't like the fact that the Republic was taking their sacred Beskar and that was one of the things that she was going to point out to them when she revealed that she was the Mand'alor and that Satine was just a figurehead to keep things running smoothly while she was away.

Revana longed to be umong the vode again to be in the heat of battle. It was after all the Mand'alor's place to fight beside her people. Satine noticed the change in Revana's mood and how Revana acted and had given her the idea. With the help of some Death Watch members she was able to liberate some Beskar from the Republic transports and take it to the Goran. She knew that she would need new armor, that she would need armor worthy of her station of Mand'alor. The force sang around her; yes and she had her colors chosen.


Obi-Wan didn't like the fact that Revana was stuck on Mandalore, nor did he like the fact that she was bared from entering the Temple by order of the Chancallor. Many in the Order didn't agree with it, and many voiced their oppenions on the matter. A mandalorian was sent to the 212th recommended by Jango of all people. She was female, and her armor wasn't anything like Revana's had been. Red Manibals on the face plate represented honoring a leader or parent, Black for Justice, and the gold outline for Vengence.

Obi-Wan felt the force swirl around this Mandalorian, something familiar about her that he couldn't quite put his finger on "Su cuy'gar, ogir ni am Obi-Wan Kenobi" he greeted the Mandalorian offering his hand.

The Mandalorian grasped his lower forearm in a verd's greeting "Pirusti, met General Kenobi gar reputation preceeds gar." the Mandalorian said, "Ni am olar bat te behalf be te heiress be Houses Ordo bal Vizsla."

Obi-Wan smiled at that "How is Revana?" he asked

"She is well, though she misses you." The Mandalorian replied.

Obi-Wan nodded "We all miss her as well,"

"Revana had reservations about me being placed among your battalion said that your men won't react to well there being another Mandalorian other than her around," the Mandalorian said

"I am sure they will get over it in time," he replied, "I didn't catch your name,"

"Ca'tra Ordo of house Ordo, My father was her father's vod'ika," the Mandalorian replied.

Obi-Wan nodded at that "I see, well welcome aboard,"


Cody didn't like the fact that the General was beside the New Mandalorian that had been assigned to them. Revana was enough for them and the men missed her terribly, between her, Pre, and Jan'buir they had known more about their Mandalorian heritage than the Long-Necks had allowed them to learn. The Men had gathered around their general Cody among them "Alright Men, I know you miss Revana, but with what happened on Jabiim the Senate has seen her as a liability," Obi-Wan said, "However, Revana felt as though she should send someone to keep her in the loop of what is going on within GAR as well as the 212th, so she sent her cousin,"

Obi-Wan indicated to the woman beside him "This is Captian Ca'tra Ordo, cousin of Revana Vizsla-Ordo,"

Okay so her being Revana's cousin earned her some points with them, better to send kin than not "Su cuy'gar, verde Revana sends kaysh regards bal says megin she will to norac laam ti gar solus way ra another, tsad droten tsad droten cuyir damned."

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