Before the Senate

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A/N: Apologize for not updating in so long. Life has kept me busy as of late. Here is the next chapter. Enjoy!

Revana wasn't really shocked to be dragged before the Senate, it wasn't like she really did anything wrong, to say the least. But to stand before the Galactic Senate like a child being drug to stand before the headmaster was another story entirely, the Judicial Branch of the Senate was doing everything in its power to get her locked up or barred from the war, like that was going to successfully happen. Revana held her head high through all of it though a smile gracing her face as she politely justified why she was in the area "Merely research," she informed Tarkin

"Research into what exactly?" Tarkin asked

"3700-years-ago an Alderanian Hammer head fresh off the production line vanished over Mustafa, no evidence of where it vanished to, until recently. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time, how was I to know of the Republic and Separatist battle going on?" Revana said.

Tarkin even though he came off as a hard ass to most found the Old Republic Navy fascinating "You mean to tell me that you discovered that ship?" Tarkin asked in pure shock

"I did, it took Obi-Wan and Commander Cody to drop in to find it, their little fight nearly scrapped the whole project really," Revana replied evenly, "It was shortly after I woke up that the quake had uncovered that wreckage,"

Tarkin blinked at her owlishly "You were injured?"

"I have some scaring of the burns I received; even though I was in armor the heat from the lava stuck my beskar'gam to my skin in some places, fried the cooling systems of said armor and several other systems," Revana replied, "After the armor was repaired I went back to finish my work sadly the Separatists wanted to stake their claim on my find,"

Several members of the Trade Federation brought their pods down to hers "That wreck site was in our space, there for the find was ours!"

Revana shook her head "The ship that was discovered was in fact the First Generation Alderanian Hammerhead Ship ID AH-00001 also called the Dawn Treader,"

Tarkin's head snapped in her direction "I had bought the salvage rights from Senator Organa's wife since all other takers declined," Revana said with a smirk.

Even Palpatine was leaning forward as well as many of the Senate "The ship belongs to the people of Alderaan, her original crew was boarded by Sith of the Eternal Sith Empire 3700 years ago, its crew was recovered dead, and the Sith had stopped at Mandalore with the ship and kidnapped 100 children to use as bargaining chips against the Republic to turn around and claim it was the Republic that took them," Revana said with a smirk.

The Viceroy paled at this "I-I had no idea,"

"Of course, you didn't, because until now no one knew where the Dawn Treader lay resting," Revana said.


Bail Organa; King Consort of Alderaan was in shock, after 3700 years the Dawn Treader had been found on Musafa of all places, but how did it end up there "While I was back on Mandalore I spent excessive time combing through the archives of the restricted section...shhh, don't tell Satine she would have a tooka knowing I got in there again." Revana said the last part teasing which caused the senate to break out in chuckles, "I started with the families that had ad'e missing as well as patrols in the area all of them pinging the Dawn Treader, the Mand'alor of the time a member of the house Vizsla, Mand'alor the Avenger sent the Assassin Protocol droid HK-47 to recover the children,"

Bail Organa knew the history of HK-47 he was a wedding gift of Revan's to her husband Canderous Ordo back in the times of the Old Republic, though the droid had worked for the Jedi Order from time to time as a glorified murderous babysitter, it stood to reason what happened to the Dawn Treader "HK-47's mission was to kill the sith and to recover the children and return them to Mandalore before returning the ship to Alderaan," Revana said

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