Jabiim PT 2

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Revana's sabers locked with Ventress's as the dar'jetti leaned in closer to her visor "I am disappointed that I don't get to feel what goes on in that pretty little head of yours," Ventress said with a pout

"Don't sweat it mesh'la, you wouldn't want to be in there anyway," Revana said with a smirk in her voice before delivering a vicious headbutt to Ventress.

The Dathamiran stumbled back and bared her fangs right at her "You'll pay for that!"

"Don't threaten me with a good time mesh'la," Revana laughed easily dodging out of the way.


Alpha could feel the headache that had begun at his temples if it wasn't General Kenobi flirting with that damn dar'jetti assassin it was Revana. Fordo was chuckling beside him when they heard the vicious sound of a Beskar helmet connecting with someone's nose. Alpha looked up to see that Revana had broken the stalemate between her and Ventress. Ventress stumbled back and bared her fangs right at Revana "You'll pay for that!" the dar'jetti seethed.

Revana just laughed and replied: "Don't threaten me with a good time mesh'la,"

Was Revana serious right now? Alpha was glaring at General Kenobi, sure Alpha heard the rumors that Revana had spent time around General Kenobi, but to know that the General had rubbed off his annoying flirting banter on Revana? Alpha made a personal note to reprimand the General at a later date. He turned his attention to Captian Cody "Kote, I want you to keep an eye on Ventress if she does anything to harm Revana take her out," he said

"Sir," Kote said with a crisp salute.

May as well get that reprimand out of the way now. Alpha walked up to General Kenobi and grabbed him by the back of his robe "Alpha what is the meaning of this,"

"With all due respect sir, you and I are having a talk about Revana's flirting with Ventress on the battlefield and the fact she picked that up from you," Alpha replied with snark.


Ventress had to admit that Revana was stunning for a Mandalorian, and the fact that she gave as good as she got was a bonus also, a shame that she had to kill Revana sooner or later, because she wanted to know more about the Princess of the Mandalorians. Ventress pressed her lips on the lower half of Revana's visor causing Revana to chuckle and remove her helmet tossing it to the side "Sweetheart if you wanted a kiss all you had to do was ask."

The next thing Ventress knew lips were slamming down on hers! Ventress's eyes went wide before sliding shut "ARE YOU KARKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!"


Anakin got his master's attention the second the fighting stopped and pointed to where everyone was looking. Alpha had followed his finger as well "ARE YOU KARKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!" Alpha exclaimed.

There in the middle of the battlefield were Revana and Ventress making out, and everyone litterally stopped fighting to see the view. There was so much lust and arousal in the force right now Anakin thought he would combust. Obi-wan blinked owlishly at the scene "You cannot tell me I rubbed that off on her," his master remarked.

Alpha's head snapped around to meet his master's in a move Anakin was sure that he would get whiplash from "No, she gets that from her father," Jango said with an exsaperated sigh, "How else do you think her mother changed sides,"

Pre was trying hard not to double over laughing when Revana finally pulled back she used the force to recall her helmet Ventress nodded dumbly before heading back to the other side ordering them to fall back or else, as Revana smiled like a tooka who got into the cream as she put her helmet back on "I bought us two days," she said, "We need to start the evacuation,"

Alpha growled "You just made out with an enemy on the battlefield,"

Revana tilted her head at Alpha "Are you jelious Alpha that I gave her a kiss and not you?"

Alpha was left spitting and sputtering as she walked away as everyone else watched in amusement.


Jango had caught up to Revana "You thought that was mighty clever didn't you, provoking Alpha like that?" he asked

"Jango, I am not going to ask you to try and understand what I feel around others, but Alpha was dripping with jeliousy, lust, and arousal all in one." Revana replied.

Jango let out a groan "Revana, Ventress is a General for the enemy army, this can damage your standing with the Republic,"

"Perhaps, but they will also see that it bought us time," Revana reasoned.

Pre walked up and chuckled "Nice going cousin, you have managed to get a Sith to fall in love with you,"

"Not hard really," Jango remarked.

Revana turned and looked at them "We have two days to evacuate, so let's get to work on getting as many people out as we can okay?"


Revana smiled to herself as the video of her kissing Ventress made its rounds some called her a traitor, others called her a hero. Then there was some that out right called her a whore. Rude. Last she checked she was still a virgin and hadn't bedded anyone. Revana leaned back in the piolt seat as Jango sat beside her in the co-piolt seat "We are being rediverted to Courasant, the Senate isn't pleased with that kiss," Jango said.

Revana snorted "They can kiss my shebs for all I care, I bought time which is more than any of them can say, and the recordings will prove on my end she started it,"

Jango sighed "Revana you know as well as I do war isn't a game and shouldn't be treated as such, what you did many will see you as unfit to rule, others a hormonal teen that needs to be married off to calm down," Jango explained, "And I for one don't want your buire haunting me because of this,"

Revana sighed "Your right Jango, I'm sorry; I am still the Mand'alor though, and if I can get a little focus on me the better," she said.

Jango groaned "Your Vizsla is showing,"

"Damn right it is," Revana said with a laugh.


Palpatine had been highly amused that Dooku shared such evidence, now he could prove that the Princess of Mandalore was unfit to rule. As she stood in the box out of her armor and dressed in fine Mandalorian Silks and jewels Revana Vizsla would soon find herself under house arretst on Mandalore and would remain off the battlefield until he could get her killed off and replaced by someone who would lead Mandalore back to the Sith "If I may point out Chancellor, Ventress kissed me first," Revana said, "Apparently you don't know how Mandalorian courtings go,"

"Explain," he said kindly motioning her to continue

"Ventress has tried to assassinate me, and that is how many courtings begin, we find great amusement and challange in it, did I know that Ventress would be on Jabiim? No I did not, I was only doing what our courting laws mandate I do," Revana replied respectfully, "She kissed my helmet where my lips would be if they weren't covered and it was a sign that I could continue, in no way shape or form am I going to betray anyone, my mother was originally Death Watch and had been sent to assassinate Jaster Mereel, may Mand'a rest his soul, and she mistakened my father for him."

Palpatine chuckled at that "My mother left Death Watch shortly after to join Mereel and his movement at my father's side," Revana continued, "If Ventress does the same, then it is up to her, but I will be damned if you are going to call me a traitor due to my culture, however Ventress can be resolved and the courting stop if she is unaware of what she has caused and we can go back to trying to kill each other,"


Obi-Wan watched in amusement from the healing hauls as Revana lied her shebs off getting herself out of trouble as Alpha groaned from the other bed "That girl is more trouble than she is worth,"

Revana was confined to remain on Mandalore until Ventress spoke publically about what had transpired on Jabiim, Obi-Wan knew her well enough to know that she would find a way back...

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