The Gala PT 3

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It was the eve of the Gala and Revana was a bundle of nerves to be sure, she had checked herself in the mirror at least 6 times before Satine with the help of Padme all but dragged her out of her room. She barely recognized herself in the mirror to be sure. Her dress was of the finest Mandalorian Silk and armor weave, whites with royal blue outlined in gold. Her hair was done up in fashionable braids, a circlet with the mythasour skull set upon her brow, and her makeup matched her dress. Mandalorian Sapphires adorn her ears, hair, neck, wrists, and fingers. She was a vision to be sure.

When their private speeder arrived with Thorn driving, Thorn nearly drove the speeder into a pole upon the sight of her. Revana wouldn't lie it was humorous to be sure. Thorn thankfully recovered and helped them into the speeder or else Thorn would find himself in trouble. The Holo-media were present with their camera droids taking holos of those who were arriving. Revana had spotted Obi-Wan who in turn spotted her and smiled before getting Cody's attention.

Cody looked handsome in his white dress uniform the shoulder boards were in the 212 gold, as well as the cuffs on his sleeves. Revana, Padme, and Satine walked up the steps and were greeted by various holo-news outlets many of them commenting on Revana's regal look. As soon as they made it to the Jedi and their Commanders, Cody offered her his arm. Revana linked her arm with his as they walked down the hall "You look beautiful," Cody said a slight pink dusting his cheeks

"We would have run later if Thorn wrecked the speeder," she said with a chuckle.

Cody looked at her with an arched brow "Oh?" he asked, "Should I have a talk with Fox about having Thorn nearly crash with such precious cargo?"

"So, I'm cargo?" she asked teasingly.

Cody flushed "I didn't mean it like that," he said

"I know," she replied.


When Cody first saw Revana posing for holos his breath left him in a gush, she looked like a goddess coming down from the heavens. Her dress was made of the finest silks and linens, her makeup resembled that of a goddess, and her hair matched. Cody was so lost on her as the evening progressed. They danced of course, and she danced with others, if a senator was getting to clingy Cody would step in and dance with her. The Chancellor danced with Revana as well. Many of the vod'e assembled here were very uncomfortable, especially in how many were groping them. Cody had a few women copping a feel on him which cause Revana to glare at them.

It got to the point where Revana walked over to them "Excuse me, I can't help but notice how sick you swine are, I thought Senator wives were supposed to be refined and not whores?" Revana asked.

Cody had to bite the inside of his mouth at Revana's backhanded question the woman looked at Revana "He is a flesh-droid nothing more," the woman said

"Actually that is where you are wrong, you see many Mandalorian scholars found evidence that Kamino is a Mandalorian world, meaning those born regardless of the method are Mandalorian, on top of the fact Jango Fett is the rightful Mand'alor and is their father they are Mandalorian, as Princess of Mandalore, I ask that you don't fondle my people just because they look good in uniform," Revana spoke diplomatically.

The women scoffed "They are no more Mandalorian than you are a Princess," one of them said.

Revana smirked "Your right, I'm actually something more, I am a better woman than you lot, so do us all a favor and go to your penthouse and look in the mirror and image yourself in his shoes for a moment,"

"Revana, there you are," Satine said as she glanced at Cody, "I see you are keeping your friend Cody company, but it is time for the reveal,"

Revana nodded and smirked at Cody who shook his head with a sigh "How do you know the Princess of Mandalore, Clone?" a woman asked

"I was one of the two she rescued on Mustafa when she discovered the wreckage of the Hammerhead," he said.

The woman narrowed her eyes at him "You've been dancing with her all night, rescuing each other..." the woman gave a sneering smirk, "Your in love with her."

The other women gasped at him "Contrary to popular belief ma'am, we have feelings, we fight and die in a war we have no choice but to fight in, I have seen many of my brothers die in this war, while you sit behind your vanity," Cody said politely before stepping away from them.


Chancellor Palpatine wondered what kind of announcement the Dutchess was about to make "Honored guests, it is best to hear this from me first before the Senate meeting next week." the Mandalorian Dutchess began, "Since the Senate falsely accused Revana of something that our laws find relevant a new dawn on Mandalore arrived,"

Chancellor Palpatine's eyes widened as the Mandalorian Dutchess revealed the Golden Mask of the Mand'alor and the Dark Saber "Mandalore once again is home to a Mand'alor, a bright young warrior who balances the ideals of all of her people, descended from two well-known and respected Mand'alor, a force user like her ancestor the Mandalorian Jedi; Tarre Vizsla." The Dutchess proclaimed, "I am proud to introduce Mand'alor the Merciful; Revana Viszla,"

The Force in the room swirled with the Jedi's pride in the upstart Mand'alor as she took to the podium "Honored members of the Republic, I stand here not as an enemy, but as an ally to those who need aid, the New Mandalorians will conduct peaceful humanitarian missions, but they will have the full backing of the Traditionalists, and the True Mandalorians, as for myself I will be on the front lines, fighting beside the Jedi Order as Canderous Ordo proclaimed Mandalore should do if the Sith ever showed their ugly mugs again," The now Mand'alor stated, "If the Sepratists attack worlds under Mandalorian rule then you best hope I don't find out about it because you will discover why the GAR's templet was chosen, I will address the senate about current discoveries on Mandalore in the upcoming Senate meeting, but in my eyes currently your GAR are Mando'ade, they were created from the Mand'alor the Republic sent into exile, if anyone does something myself or the Trooper in question doesn't like then expect to face legal action, as Mand'alor I stand before you and decree that the GAR are Mandalorian warriors, your army is here at my pleasure and I can take them away as I see fit,"

The room erupted into chaos as the Mand'alor stepped away from the podium and walked through the crowd "Apologize, Chancellor, after all, I have seen this evening it had to be said," the girl said

"Of course, my dear, and may Mandalore be blessed by your rule," he replied.

She wouldn't stay on the thrown long he would see to it.


Obi-Wan watched in amusement as Revana walked right over to Cody and pulled him down into a kiss, the vod'e in the room cheered as Cody returned his love to Revana. When they broke apart Revana looked around the room "Take a holo to remember this night for it is the last time you will see me in a dress, it will be full Beskar'gam from here on out," Revana said.

Cody laughed at that before pulling her into another kiss. Obi-Wan looked at Pre and nodded. Pre returned his nod before grinning "Kote brokar te Mand'alor, may kaysh reign cuyir darasuum!" Pre exclaimed

"Oiya! Oiya! Oiya!" the vod'e around them chanted

"Glory to the Mand'alor, may her reign be eternal," Obi-Wan voiced in basic for those who had no concept of Mando'a.

Those who were working hard on rights for the vod'e cheered in agreement as Cody escorted Revana to leave the guard members putting their fits over their hearts in salute of the new Mand'alor. Revana may have put a target on her back, but Obi-wan knew without a doubt that she could watch out for herself and didn't really need help. As for Cody, he deserved some happiness...

Author's note:

Thank you all for joining me on the first stage of Revana's journey as Mand'alor, the second book will be out soon enough don't worry your pretty little heads none. 

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