Holocrons of the Past

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Revana didn't want to believe it when she saw Zam, nor did Revana want to be the one to catch Zam, but she knew where Zam was Jango wasn't too far off, but would Jango really kill her friend Padme? Once they got Zam outside and she began to talk the force screamed out in warning using the force she froze the object in mid-air before plucking it out of the air just in time to see Jango jetpack off. This was not good. Zam looked up at her grateful "Anakin, it was a job, and the fact that Jango didn't fire another shot tells me Zam was meant to live," she said, "Now Zam tell me what the hell is going on because I know Jango wouldn't target someone close to me like that and I don't care if it is a job,"

"Revana, Jango has changed, he came to me about 4 months ago speaking about how the Sith were about to put their plans into motion, then by the fifth month he didn't remember bringing it up other than the Jedi deserved to die," Zam said.

Revana shared a concerned look with Anakin and Obi-Wan "That doesn't sound like Jango at all," Anakin said, "Jango has had his differences with the Jedi sure, but saying they deserve to die?"

"Your right my padawan this is not like Jango at all," Obi-Wan said

"This dart is from I know it from one of my families text, it belongs to the world of echos, one of their species fled the planet later to return to become the leader, the world of echoes is also a Mandalorian planet, meaning those born there are Mandalorian," Revana said, "I don't know the name of the planet off the top of my head, but I am sure Dex would know,"

"You could be right on that vod'ika," Obi-wan said

"What about Zam?" Anakin asked

"She will need to be protected she knows too much," Revana pointed out.


Anakin watched as Zam was led to one of the cells understanding what she had done "Revana!" Zam called while stopping causing the guard to drag her along

"Wait Feemor!" Revana said running over

Anakin curious walked over to see Zam hand something to Revana "This is something I took from Jango's ship it holds the truth of your mother's death," Zam said holding out a data stick.

Revana took it into her hands "Feemor, gentle with her, bounty hunting is a job nothing more, political or not it shouldn't be taken lightly yes, but I believe the attack was to put me on the trail again to complete my mother's work and to free the galaxy of the Sith once and for all, take her to the healing halls so she can get checked out," Revana said before looking at Zam, "And you don't resist so much,"

Anakin escorted Revana to the council where it was discovered that a Sith tortured her mother to death and killed her. The name Darth Sidious came out again and again from the sith "That was Count Dooku," Revana said

"Know of this you do?" Yoda asked

"Dooku came to my mother's funeral pyre, and expressed how sorry he was that my mother was a kind soul for a Mandalorian who wanted what was best for her people," Revana said, "All this time I thought it to be the Sith Lord when it was my mother's most trusted ally,"

Anakin looked at the council members as Master Fisto spoke up "You cannot let revenge drive you Revana,"

"It won't be revenge it will be justice because I will drag him before this council kicking and screaming if need be," Revana said.

Amusement from all of the Masters rang out in the force "Harm Dooku she will not, believe her I do," Yoda said, "Failed Dooku I did,"

Revana shook her head "Don't blame yourself Yoda, what Dooku has done was his own choice, not yours," Revana said, "Dooku has never been the same since Master Jinn was killed, and we all know it, perhaps it is time for the code to change."

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