Ghost of The Old Republic PT 2

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Every muscle hurt when Revana came to laying on a bed in the Medical Bay of the Negotiator, her Cousin and of course, Jango sitting in chairs on either side of her how did she get here anyway? "Kark me Running on a bantha," she said.

Both of her silent guards must have been asleep behind those visors because they both jerked awake and looked at her "You two are no longer allowed to guard my person for fear of you sleeping on the job," she teased before coughing, "Why do I feel like I swallowed a bunch of volcanic dust?"

"Because you did," Pre said, "It got under your bucket after the fall, Helix was shocked you didn't reveal yourself sooner, though you managed to imbue force oisk with a new set of armor,"

She remembered then bolting upright in the bed "Cody, Obi-wan..."

"Safe, Revana thanks to you, they were cleared a week ago, you, however, have been out for two weeks," Jango said crossing his arms over his chest.

Revana settled back down again as Helix came storming into the medical bay "Alright what did you two do to my patient?" Helix demanded

"She was merely worried about Commander Cody and General Kenobi is all Helix, nothing for you to skin us with a scalppal over," Jango replied evenly.

Revana looked at Helix who sighed "Of course, she would be," Helix said, "Now you two out so I can look over my patient,"


Cody sat in the mess hall and had barely touched his food, his mind was too much as of late on Revana and her being, it was already bad enough Jango and Pre on Helix's orders stunned him and drug his sorry shebs out of the medical bay and away from Revana.

Revana just thinking about her made him want to return to the med bay and check on her. Just then cheers erupted through the mess causing him to look up to see Revana flanked on either side by Jango and Pre. Obi-Wan smiled softly and got up wondering over to Revana and said something to her "HE BETTER EAT HIS DAMN FOOD, OR ELSE I WILL KICK HIS DAMN SHEBS FROM ONE END OF THE SHIP TO THE OTHER!" Revana snapped.

Admiral Block snickered in front of him "It would appear that the General went and informed Princess Revana you have been picking at your food,"

Cody sighed as the Admiral looked at him assessingly "Young love," the Admiral muttered going back to his food.

Cody didn't need the force to know that Revana stood behind him "Commander what is this I hear you are picking at your food?" she asked

"He hasn't slept in hours either," Jango tacked on

"Neither has the General," Cody replied.

If he was going to get in trouble, Obi-Wan was going to share that blame also. Revana's gaze turned to Obi-Wan "You two are going to eat then you are going to hit the showers because you both stink, then after you are going to bed am I clear?" she said.

Obi-Wan chuckled at that "Princess..."

"Mand'alor," Revana corrected.

The Admiral looked at Revana as they all had in shock "What I am about to say doesn't leave this room nor does it get back to the chancellor as far as they are concerned I am still Ca'tra Ordo cousin of Revana Vizsla-Ordo am I clear?" she asked

"As Kyber," Obi-Wan said

"Shortly before the Ventress Jabiim scandal; Satine stepped down as ruler of Mandalore and I was integrated as Mand'alor. Though only the Mandalorian sector and now the Negotiator's crew and soldiers know of this, for all the Republic knows Satine is still the Dutchess and the ruler of Mandalore," Revana informed them.

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