The Kaminoan Jedi Mandalorian

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Kina Ha stood before the Dutchess "I assure you, Dutchess, while under Lama Su's leadership my people headed in the wrong direction again, I will see to it the error is rectified," Kina said

The Dutchess nodded her head "I am sure that you will, those who are born on Kamino are Mandalorian and should be treated as such,"

The doors opened and Pre Vizsla entered, he looked so much like Tarre Vizsla in appearance the exception of his hair and eyes "Dutchess, Slave 1 has just entered atmo and will be arriving at the palace hanger soon," Pre said

"Thank you, for informing me of this Pre," The Dutchess said before looking at the Kaminoan, "Shall we greet our guests?"

Kina bowed her head "Of course, Dutchess,"


Revana escorted Jango and Boba off the ship in time to see Mandalorians scatter. Pre standing there in horror, Satine in shock, and the Kaminoan in pure amusement "Oisk, the mask, sorry," Revana said as Revan laughed in the back of her mind.

Revana removed Revan's mask "Where the harran did you even get that thing?" Pre asked

"The Archivist at the Jedi Temple; Madam Nu has a demented sense of humor," Revana replied, "I have the reproduction of the mask, but that was left at the temple, while I got the real deal, and before you ask; yes, Revan's soul is merged with the mask, and yes I have allowed Revan to use me as her voice,"

"That is dangerous even for you," Satine said giving her an unimpressed look

"Look, I was not about to pretend to be someone I'm not, the Kaminoans always believed that Revan would return when the Galaxy needed her most," Revana replied, "And it will soon enough, the Sith have put their plans into motion and now the Galaxy at large is at war."

"Mandalore isn't at war," A New Mandalorian said

"Kamino supplied the Republic with Mando'ade, so yes in a way Mandalore is at war," Revana replied, "The Sith placed a strong mind spell on Jango, he came close to attacking me twice, meaning whoever is in control believes me to be Revan and wants me dead,"

"I will displace that spell immediately," the Kaminoan said

"Kina Ha," Revana replied, "Revan told me much about you,"

Kina bowed respectfully "It is an honor to protect a member of my house again, I do however have a gift for you from your buir Myles," Kina said, "But it will wait until Jango's mind is healed."

Jango left with Kina without much fuss as Boba stayed close to her playing the part of the perfect 'little' guard "And who may your little guard be?" Satine asked.

Boba's cheeks puffed out "My name is Boba Fett, son of Jango Fett," Boba replied.

Pre chuckled "As intimidating as a tooka kit," one of Satine's guards remarked

"But trained by his buir," Pre pointed out, "Fetts fight dirty if need be regardless of their size,"

Boba smirked "I would like to get out of this armor and into my own, after a nice long soak," Revana remarked, "I had to at least destroy around a thousand battle droids,"


Boba stayed in Revana's suite, which was elegant for the new Mandalorians, but at the same time, it had the style of the old with it. When Revana returned she was dressed in her armor, armor; that if Boba had to guess had belonged to her buir Myles. It wasn't like the holos his buir showed him of her in her buir Stella's armor. Revana looked at the crystal around her neck "It is time for Satine and your Buir to add their knowledge to the Crystal of the temple," she said, "So that Mandalore's next leader may learn from the mistakes of the past to forge a better future for our people,"

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