Jedi Hypocrisy

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Revana leaned against the wall listening to Palpatine demand that she be handed over for punishment fat chance of that happening "If you must know Ventress went public denouncing my offer of courting," Revana said, "It was aired all over the galaxy I am shocked you don't know about it,"

Palpatine blinked owlishly at her "She did?"

"Yes, Chancellor it would appear that Ventress doesn't want to lose her favorite playmate," Obi-Wan replied.

Revana didn't need the force to know when something felt off let alone when someone felt wrong in the force and she was getting it from Palpatine "If it wouldn't have been for her quick action Commander Cody and I would be dead," Obi-Wan said, "And knowing Satine which I do fairly well, wearing Beskar'gam to dampen Revana's force abilities was wise."

Revana waited for the Chancellor to leave before Obi-Wan gave the council the tea. Revana knew that she was going to have some issues but she knew that she would be able to push through those problems. HK entered the bridge the ancient terror droid of her ancestor standing as a silent guardian next to her "Discovered something have you?" Yoda asked

"Masters as you are all aware of Revana revealing herself and blessing another set of Beskar'gam with the force, the area of where Revana revealed herself was the site of an Old Republic Wreck site," Obi-Wan informed the council.

Revana knew her Old Republic history well and took over from there "We have found the lost wreckage of the Sith-captured Alderannian Hammerhead the Valliant," Revana informed the council

"Remains you found?" Yoda asked

"Sadly no, but I found the one responsible for making all those Sith vanish into thin air," Revana said

"Exclamation: Master, they vanished into the vacuum of Space as master Revan intended," HK said off behind her.

The Jedi Masters all looked at Revana in shock "Did the droid say Revan?" Master Windu asked.

HK stepped into view "Exclamation: Greetings Jedi Master Meatbags, I am HK-47, personal bodyguard and attack droid of my Creator Revan, loyal servant to my creators' line." HK began, "Explanation: My primary functions are to burn holes into meatbags that would threaten my current master and those close to her,"

Several of the masters looked like they were about to faint "Honor it is to meet you HK, your service to the Order during the Old Republic is honored to this day it is," Yoda said

"Worriesome Statement: Joy, another meatbag Gremlin," HK stated.

Yoda chuckled at this "Met my great, great, great Uncle you have?"

HK nodded "Statement: Meatbag Master Soda was one of the few Jedi Master Meatbags that didn't throw a tantrum when Revan married Mandalorian Meatbag Canderous Ordo, he was one of the few Jedi Meatbags who earned my respect,"

"Then earn yours I shall," Yoda said.

HK nodded his head "Incrudliaous statement: I find it funny that the Jedi Master Meatbags bend rules if and when it suits them, in 3700 years the Order has gone from allowing families to not allowing them, it is due to this why your order of meatbags are dying out in droves."

"Perhaps HK, if you understood the situation better..." Revana paused..."Right, not to self don't leave you alone for a moment,"

"Icrudlious Statement: But Master, I was given the information by Meatbag Skywalker!"

Obi-Wan put a hand over his mouth to keep the smile hidden as Master Windu rubbed his temples "Master Windu, are you alright?" she asked

"The Walking Shatter point strikes again," Kit Fisto said with a chuckle, "I have to admit, I always admired HK-47 for his creativity, he is one droid that knows how to throw a party,"

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