Section 1; The Worlds View on Werewolves

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So, in folklore, a werewolf is a human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf, usually only on a full moon, either the human has werewolf blood or after being cursed by a witch or warlock/wizard. A Werewolf is also called a Lycanthrope(I believe Lycanthropy is the term for the whole Werewolf business). Werewolves were a widespread concept in European Folklore, it exists in many variants. In the early modern period, werewolf beliefs also spread to the New World with colonialism(wow look at me learning big words, hah). Belief in werewolves developed in parallel to the belief in witches, in the course of the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern period. Like the witchcraft trials as a whole, the trial of supposed werewolves emerged in what is now Switzerland in what I would say is the early 15th century and spread throughout Europe in the 16th, peaking in the 17th and subsiding by the 18th century.

Accusations of lycanthropy being involved in only a small fraction of witchcraft trials. During the early period, accusations of lycanthropy were mixed with accusations of wolf-riding or wolf-charming. The case of Peter Stumpp led to a significant peak in both interest in and persecution of supposed werewolves. The phenomenon persisted longest in Bavaria and Austria, with persecution of wolf-charmers recorded until well after 1650, so Werewolves were not exactly popular in a good way.

However in Ancient Greece the son of Pelasgus, Lycaon, angered Zeus when he made him a meal from the remains of a murdered/sacrificed boy. And as a punishment, Lycaon and his sons were turned into wolves by the King of Gods himself. I'm pretty sure that's why they're called Lycans or Lycanthropes and why Lycanthropy is the term for it. In my personal opinion, I think the world is stupid and Werewolves are superior(anyone agree?). In history, the world viewed Werewolves as evil bloodthirsty beings, and I'm sure people still do believe that. However Werewolves are viewed as something different now(which is a good thing, they are superior. I sound like I'm in a Werewolf worshipping cult- Oooo that would be cool).

So in short, the world views/viewed Werewolves as bad.

Heads up- some of these chapters are going to be either short as hell or long as hell. Some will be moderate, some things I have a lot to say on, some things I don't. I'm an opinionated girl.

(And there may be swear words, so- if you have a problem with swearing, I'm sorry, I can't help it)

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