Section 10; Clichés

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Yes, clichés. Okay there is one that I absolutely do not like.

Next Moon Goddess Cliché. What. The. Fuck. Is. That? I just- I don't understand it? Maybe it's because the stories I've read with this cliché have had… Weak plots and kinda bad grammar? But I don’t understand it.

Why would the Moon Goddess choose some random Omega she-wolf to be her next-in-line and give her an Alpha Mate? It’s kind of hard to understand. Or a resurrection of the first she-wolf that became the Moon Goddess and therefore the resurrection would have to be the next Moon Goddess?


Literally it does not have to exist.

Anyway, other well-known clichés are:

☆ The Alpha of [insert Pack name here] is my Mate cliché - some of these have weak plots and bad grammar and some of them don't. Most of these are well-written though. We all usually - usually, I said usually - love these stories. Which is okay! It's okay to write in a specific Werewolf cliché but maybe spruce it up a little! Add interesting things! Powerful enemies! Cool wars! Awesome fights! Make your story awesome! And- make it have grammar, please.

☆ Instant Love Cliché - I'm going to be honest with you, I haven't read many of these. But I also haven't liked many of them. Instant Love- is just a no for me. Okay- you gotta make them have to warm up to each other- not instantly be in love because-
How many times have you instantly fallen in love with someone in your life the second you see them? How many times has that instant Love turned into a wonderful carefree relationship that can be unbroken?

☆ Rejections of the Mate Cliché - Honestly, I have only read 2 or 3 of these. It's an understandable reason for rejection like, you want to protect your Mate from enemies in your life so you reject him or her before you get the chance to bond with each other, that way he or she would be much safer. But for some reason like, I don't know… Not liking their eye colour is a terrible reason! You don't reject someone because of their eye colour!

☆ Teenage Alpha Cliché - Where the Alpha of the Pack dies and his or her teenage son or daughter takes his or her place as Alpha of the Pack. I've read a few of these. Some of them had incredibly bad grammar but good plots. Some of them were just completely terrible. However, if I ever read a story from this cliché where the age gap(if there is one) is like, I don't know, an 18 year old and a 56 year old. I would not get past the first chapter. I'm sorry but I find it a little weird. Especially since some of the stuff on Wattpad is really fucked up.

☆ Teenage Mate Cliché - It's similar to the Teenage Alpha Cliché thing. However it doesn't necessarily have an Alpha as the Mate.

☆ The Well-known, Murderous, Dangerous Mate Cliché - We all love us some broody Werewolves(Like Derek Hale!). Sometimes you can make the scary Mates reputation misleading, I never see female mates that are dangerous and I would love to see that!

☆ White wolf Cliché - These can be very plain or very interesting depending on who writes it/wrote it. A White Wolf is usually, in the Wattpad Werewolf community, rare and powerful. However just because your character is the White Wolf does not mean they are unkillable or can't ever be killed. Give your white wolf a special ability or maybe a few special abilities but don't God/dess Mode them because that is unfair for the rest of the characters in your story.

☆ Rogue War Cliché - "aLpHa tHe RoGuEs HaVe KiDnApPeD yOuR mAtE bEcAuSe THeY aRe gAtHeRiNg AnD rEqUeSt yOuR pReSenCe aT ThE bOrDeR AnD rOgUeS aLwAyS hAvE tO bE eViL" No. The rogues don't always have to kidnap the Luna or start gathering or request the Alphas presence at the border and they don't HAVE TO BE EVIL! Write a story from a Lone Wolf's POV for once! (Like I'm doing) Rogues don't have to be evil, okay!? And also may I please point out that just because someone is an Alpha of a Pack doesn't really mean the Pack members have to refer to them as "Alpha, how was your day?" Or "Alpha. The border has been breached." No, just try giving them a little humanity. Names are a thing yanno!

Next Section is on The Wolf!

Yay! Your almost all the way through my Werewolf guide!

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