Section 3; Wattpads View on Werewolves.

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From what I've seen, Werewolves on Wattpad vary, people believe the terms "Alpha" and "Beta" and "Omega" are cringy, those terms are not just from Werewolves though. Normal wolves are called that. Grey wolves tend to organise themselves into social groups known as "packs," with individual animals both living and hunting together.

This behaviour gives lupine sports franchises an irresistible metaphor for teamwork. "Alpha wolf" is a term that gets tossed around a lot in popular culture. The concept as we know it today can be traced back to a 1947 study written by animal behaviourist Rudolph Schenkel. According to this idea, wolf packs are led by an "alpha male" and an "alpha female."

These top dogs rule the roost by fighting the other wolves for dominance until they've clawed their way up the pecking order. "By continuously controlling and suppressing all types of competition within the same sex," wrote Schenkel, "both 'alpha animals' defend their social position." Alpha wolves are said to outrank "beta wolves," who look down on submissive "omega wolves" in turn. All very hierarchical.

This belief — that every wolf pack is a dog-eat-dog environment where some members are constantly vying to climb the ranks by aggressive means — has been repeated in countless wildlife documentaries and nonfiction books over the past 70-odd years.

The term 'alpha' isn't really accurate when describing most of the leaders of wolf packs. Because it implies — the term implies — that the wolves fought and competed strongly to get to the top of the pack. In actuality, the way they get there is by mating with a member of the opposite sex, producing a bunch of offspring which are the rest of the pack, then, and becoming the natural leaders that way. Just like with a pair of humans producing a family.

However in Werewolf society, I believe that Alpha, Beta, Omega, Gamma, they're all just titles. You can use them, because they're literally the terms dedicated to it. Some people have written in specific things like abused omega to Queen Luna or something? I agree with some things. But I specifically like Werewolf stories. But some tropes wattpad overdo's or is too... Weird... And people just, they don't use grammar or they kind of just copy others work in the plot-wise way.

Also Wattpad usually just makes Werewolves plain humans who can only shift into wolf form, however, I'm believing more of Werewolves having specific abilities like enhanced senses, some things I've read Werewolves can't even voluntarily shift into wolves, which I think is sad, I like Teen Wolf's view of being able to shift whenever but having to be careful around full moons or with emotions.

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