Section 11; The Wolf

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Being a Werewolf, your wolf is a huge part of your life. In most Werewolf stories, your wolf communicates with you by thoughts, it gives your human form enhanced speed, senses, strength, etc.

In most books it also allows your human form to Mind Link with the rest of your Pack.

The Wolf is like the human forms subconscious, the humans instincts and sometimes makes the human form behave more (or less) like a wolf

The Wolf also tells the human about where and when it went wrong, some authors make the wolf be very sarcastic about this or very gentle around the subject.

Usually when shifting into wolf form, the fur of the wolf is the same colour as the human form's hair is. Sometimes it's not, sometimes it relies on what Pack you're from or sometimes it's just normal wolf colours. (Imagine having naturally green or blue hair and being a Werewolf and your fur relies on your hair colour).
An example of a wolf communicating with its human form would be this:

"Eve looked out the window at the rain, where the Packs pups were playing around. She remembered when she was younger.

Eve. You have a job to do, you silly human!

Her wolf, Callie, told her.

'I know! But it's boring!'

Eve informed her wolf. Earning a growl in her head from Callie.

That doesn't matter, you have a Pack! And to earn your keep you must do your job! We can't survive on our own! We're Pack creatures Eve! Callie argued.

Of course, Eve's wolf was always - or well, usually right about these things."

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