Section 9; Mates, Marking, and Mating

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Most stories on Wattpad(okay, basically all of them aside from MOST Teen Wolf fanfictions) have Mates. Mates are the Werewolves equivalent to Soulmates.

Like two halves of a soul, one Werewolf is not complete without his or her mate.

Signs a Werewolf has met their Mate are usually along the lines of these symptoms:

Their scent stands out, usually described as a delicious aroma, the Mate is instantly attracted.

The touch of your Mate will send tingles through your body, like small electric shocks but pleasurable.

Being physically attracted or strangely attached to each other instantly for no unexplainable reason.(The Mate Bond).

In some stories you can be forced to Mate with another Werewolf due to Alphas or parents not allowing it. (I guess that's why…?)

It is very rare, but if a Werewolf's Mate dies, they could be allowed another Mate. However, as I said at the start of this sentence, it is very rare. Unless of course your story is sort of based around that. Then you can make it rare or common, your choice on that really.

Also Werewolves Mates don't exactly have to be a Werewolf, their Mate could be anything from a… Vampire to a… Werehyena…?

Marking is the process in which the two Mates have identified each other and "Mark" each other (or the male Marks the female) to show they have found each other and to… Unlock the rest( or most) of their "Mate Bond"

The Marking process is this or something along the lines of this:

Identified your Mate [cHeCk✔️]

Biting them on the shoulder(usually on the crook of their neck/where the neck and shoulder connect, it's like a hickey that never fully heals and is a bite mark.

The two souls connect. Allowing you to feel your Mates feelings and pain and (if you have chosen it) using your Mind Link with them.

Usually the Marking sends the female who bears it into heat. This means she'll be horny 24/7 and will crave her Mates physical contact, gives her a higher chance of getting pregnant, heat changes her scent, almost crippling pain in the lower abdomen(I have yet to know if this is for both Mates or just the female), sometimes the female literally just gives into the male.

Mating is the thing that binds the Mates. Makes the Mateship complete. Unlocks the full potential of the Mateship/Mate Bond.

Imma be straight forward here. Mating is the act of sex between the two Mates. And in most stories is the thing that ends the heat thing.

However! I think LGBTQ+ Mateships are really cool! I haven't seen many of them though! So writing one would be fun!

Also please- PLEASE! Consider making your she-wolves pregnant for more than 1-3 months. She's growing a humanoid form inside her, 9 months is much- much more accurate.(Also I find the 1 - 3 month pregnancy weird).

Next chapter is Clichés!

Aj out!

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