Section 15; GRAMMAR

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We gotta talk about this guys.

Grammar is seriously important when writing, it makes your story, your book, much - MUCH more easier to read and understand!

In things I've read, capitalization doesn't even exist! When you're writing someone's name- GIVE THEIR NAME A GODDAMN CAPITAL LETTER AT THE START OF IT!

Write your sentence like this: 'Emma ran through the woods. She had to get out of this town; she had to run.'

Grammar is important. Using the proper grammar makes your writing better.

Spelling is equally as important. If you aren't sure how to spell something. GOOGLE IT!

Things like exclamation marks, question marks, speech marks, commas, full stops, colons, semi-colons, hyphens, and quotation marks are the basics in writing. Learn your basic punctuation. 

Full stops always have a capital letter after them. Sentences and the start of paragraphs always start with a capital letter. An example:

'Emma had been running for over an hour; it was getting dark and snow was lightly falling from the sky. She stopped next to a large oak tree with droopy branches. The wind was bone-chilling but somehow comforting.'

Question marks come at the end of a questions.

Emma frowned. "Who the hell are you!?" She demanded.

The man in front of her let out a dark laugh, causing her dislike in him to rise. A small smirk made it's way to his lips.

"Oh, really? You don't know who I am?" He replied. A dark glint in his eyes.

Emma deadpanned. 'This guy is a fucking idiot.' She thought. Her eyes narrowed into a glare as he stepped closer; Lilac decided she no longer wanted to be in this situation.

"No. I don't know who you are because my life doesn't revolve around you. Fuck off." She snapped as he walked towards her.

The mans eyes widened in surprise slightly before narrowing. "Ah, young Witch. You're so naïve. Innocent... Stupid. I am the Leader of the West flame Werelions." He informed her.

"Oh. Yeah, I still don't know or care about who you are, so you can, y'know, skedaddle, piss off." Emma said.

That is a good example of punctuation, capitalization and dialogue. That is the recommended way for writing. I did not use a paragraph for the last example as in the book that part does not have a paragraph.

Also these scenes with Emma are from a Werecreature book that I'm writing. So please do not kidnap them from me.


Next Section is the Q/A section so ask all of your questions!

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