Section 13; Other Supernatural Creatures

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Well, I'm not going to lie to you. But there's a big list.

Most Werewolf stories stick to Vampire's or Faes or Demons. But, here's the thing I've noticed.



There are other Werecreatures! I've got a list of potential Werecreatures you could add or even just MENTION in your stories! Maybe the main fucking character could be a different kind of Werecreature instead of a Werewolf!

Here's my list:
☆ Kanimas
☆ Werecats
☆ Werepanthers
☆ Werejaguars
☆ Wereleopards
☆ Werefoxes
☆ Werecoyotes
☆ Weredogs
☆ Werejackels
☆ Werehyenas
☆ Werelions
☆ Weretigers
☆ Werebadgers
☆ Kitsunes
☆ Weredogs
☆ Werecheetahs
☆ Banshees
☆ Witches
☆ Warlocks
☆ Gods & Goddesses
☆ Vampires
☆ Weredragons
☆ Dragons
☆ Elves
☆ Demons
☆ Angels

I won't give into ALL of those and I also won't go very deep into most of these.

Kanimas are mutated Werewolves who need a master instead of a Pack. Teen Wolf's Description of this creature is that "the kanima is a type of human-animal hybrid that is reptilian in nature. It is considered a mutation of the werewolf gene, though how exactly they came to be remains a mystery."

It is described(and shown in Teen Wolf) to look like this:
The kanima is about the size of an average human. It has dark green reptilian scales; while the Beta form has a long, smooth, normal tail, the tail on an Alpha kanima has a round end that is covered in spikes, which may or may not also be coated by kanima venom. The Alpha form also includes wings on the kanima's back. Both forms of the kanima have very large and sharp claws, almost like talons, that discharge some type of paralytic venom that is capable of rendering its victim totally immobile from the neck down within seconds. The length of time it takes to become fully paralyzed, as well as the length of time the person remains paralyzed, varies based on several different factors, such as how much venom they were exposed to and how they were exposed, as well as whether or not the victim has a supernatural healing ability. Like most reptiles, the kanima can climb walls. Kanimas also have long, thin, double-rowed fangs that are similar in appearance to those of a wendigo.

Werecats are sentient creatures with shapeshifting abilities, being able to take on the appearance of either a human or a cat. The breed of cat depends on the person or family.
I described their social standard as this:
They tend to live in clowders(a group of cats). Clowders usually have around 20 - 35 Werecats in it. Werecats, unlike basically every other Werecreature are not hunted by Hunters.
One ability the Werecat has that most others don't in my description is Glamour, or Facade.
Glamour/Facade: A Werecat has the ability to manipulate humans and other Werecreatures easily. Humans and other Werecreatures tend to see Werecats as super innocent beings and will help them without even a millisecond of hesitation.

A werepanther was a very intelligent and rare type of Werecreature that could transform into a panther.

Werejaguars, also known as the Nagual, are a species of shapeshifter's. The lore behind the werejaguar is based on the Aztec legend of Tezcatlipoca, a god who has a strong connection to jaguars.

The Were-Leopard pack, or Pard, is generally a tightly knit group of shifters, to touch and to be touched is often a part of their being. The female leader of the Pard is traditionally called the Nimir-Ra and the male leader, the Nimir-Raj. They can rule together and have significant power, or they can rule as a single entity, with a significantly weaker power base.

Werefoxes belong to the same supernatural class as Werewolves, Werejaguars, and Werecoyotes. They are known as Children of the Moon. Werefoxes are born, made, or created as a result of an alpha Werewolf's bite bringing forth the person's true inner self. Like kitsune, they are known for their cunning and trickster nature.

The Werecoyote is a species of human-animal hybrid that is distantly related to the werewolf.

Werecheetah's originally come from Africa. Like real cheetah's they are extremely fast. The werecheetah thrives in areas with vast expanses of land where prey is abundant. The werecheetah is a carnivore, eating mostly mammals under 40 kg (88 lb), including the Thomson's gazelle, the Grant's gazelle, the springbok and the impala. The young of larger mammals such as wildebeests and zebras are taken at times, and adults too, when werecheetahs hunt in groups. The cheetah hunts by vision rather than by scent. Prey is stalked to within 10–30 m (33–98 ft), then chased. This is usually over in less than a minute, and if the werecheetah fails to make a catch quickly, it will give up. The werecheetah has an average hunting success rate of around 50%. They can live among humans but prefer to live in the wild. Werecheetahs are very wise. The Werecheetah, like some Druids, are guardians of the Supernatural, but they won't attack a human/hunter unless provoked or the human/hunter has injured or killed a Supernatural. Werecheetahs are always fairly loyal and will protect the Supernatural world or die trying.

Werebadgers are humans that have the ability to transform into big, badger-like creatures. Werebadgers are usually particularly stubborn, but can be very kind. They prefer to live in tunnels underground, where they can hunt for rodents and other small animals.

African legends describe people who turn into lions as Werelions. In reference to werelions, the ability is often associated with royalty. Such a being may have been a king or queen in a former life, or may be destined for leadership in this life. This quality can be seen in the lions of Tsavo, which were reputed to be kings in lion shape, attempting to repel the invading Europeans by stopping their railroad.The werelions are one of a number of ailuranthropes, humans inflicted with a supernatural virus which allows them to take the the power and appearance of a specific species of animal, in this case, a lion.

A werejackal was a lycanthrope that could assume the form of both a humanoid and a jackal. They were the opposite of the common antherions, jackalweres.

Remember, a variation of different Werecreatures could make your story better! Make the fmc a Wereleopard or a Banshee, or an Elf or a Demon, or make the male a Kitsune or a Weredragon(yes. Weredragons!).

Next Section is Humans and their annoying(or not) roles.

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