Section 17; Bibliography

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Books I definitely recommend about Werewolves:

The Code of The Alpha > by MaybeManhattan, it's a great story and has a strong plot.

Beauty And Her Beast > by cannoness, although it isn't updated often, it's still a really good story, cannoness is one of my favourite wattpad authors.

Silver • Stiles Stilinski {1} ✔️ > kitsunesmythe, it's a Teen Wolf fanfiction between Derek Hale's younger sister and Stiles Stilinski. Based in season 1 and 2.

Blue • Stiles Stilinski {2} > kitsunesmythe, the sequel to Silver, based in season 3 and 4.

Mini McCall🐾Aiden Love Story🐾 > Tyler_Jade, another Teen Wolf fanfiction, it's very good, I have read it a few times. It is, as the title says, a love story between 

The Last Stand 🐾Aiden Teen Wolf🐾 > Tyler_Jade, the sequel to Mini McCall.

The Exiled Alpha | ✔️ > Silverless, I haven't exactly read this yet but the tags and the description tell me it's good.

Tainted Minds (Aiden Steiner) > TheAlphaGirl100, it's a great Teen Wolf fanfiction, good grammar, good plot.

Books that I recommend that are not about Werewolves but are really good anyway:

Vampire's Pet >by cannoness, a wonderful story, recommended.

Love and Loss > by cannoness, it's the sequel to Vampire's Pet. It's great.

Prey > by canonness, narrated by Doe, set in the same timeline as Vampire's Pet

Taming A Predator > by cannoness, sequel to Prey, love it.

Traitor > by cannoness, a mafia book, it's not updated that much but it's really good

Lord of the Rings Fanfic- The Tale of Evelyn > Aproproswriter, I like the humor in it.

Guides on Wattpad that give you more information that I recommend you read to understand more because I'm terrible at explaining and I ramble:

Werewolf guide book(and rp..?) > by lazypotato0224, good. I recommend you read it to get a better understanding. Do you research kids(although some - or most - of you are probably older than me, but still do your research).

Werewolf 101(Complete) > by TJFrog1999, It's very informative and I read it when doing my research on Werewolves because I research things for fun, I'm weird.

The World of Wattpad Werewolves > by megumijaya, this is great! It's helpful, it's about WATTPAD Werewolves, not about outside of Wattpad, but what Wattpad views Werewolves as so it's really helpful.

Making The Perfect Werewolf > by Pysch_Werewolf_Lover, great for helping you create a character that's a Werewolf in your story or rp or... Whatever your creating.

A Guide to Everything Werewolf > TheFoxverse, it covers lots and it's great.

Werewolves and Where to Find Them ✔️ > everxstt, It's an intellectual, factual, complete guide about the species of Werewolves.

Legends and Mythology > WackyHairedWolves, it has legends and mythology on Werewolves and other Supernatural Creatures.

Remember: Mates are optional in your story!

Acknowledgments to my two best friends Chaos and Butterfly for listening to me rant and ramble about Teen Wolf for ages!!!! You both know it's going to continue for as long as you know me!! <3 

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