Section 7; Mind Links.

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In most Wattpad stories, mind links are heavily mentioned and used, sometimes overused, however I have a thing to say... Mind Links are optional.

OPTIONAL. Optional I tell you. Although they're good and helpful and interesting, they're still OPTIONAL.

In most stories on wattpad Mind Links are a link between Mates or its a link between the entire Pack or a link between your Mate and your Alpha. In most stories, Mind Links are in both human and wolf form.

There is not much to say on mind links as they are not that complicated and are very easy to figure out.

Mind Links are either important in a Mate... Relationship... Thing... Mateship? Imma just call it Mateship(I apologise for my weirdness).

Mind Links between all Pack members that are in both human and wolf form are - in my opinion - a bad idea, in wolf form it's a great idea!

But if you're in human form- it may overwhelm your head if people from your Pack are all Mind-Linking each other and it could cause you to have a nervous break down, or an anxiety attack. I don't recommend Full Pack mind links in human forms.

I however do not have the same opinion on Mateship Mind Links in both forms as it can be very helpful, like giving your Mate tips, helping them from afar or keeping in touch during a battle or if your in completely different places due to Pack duties, depending on what Status you or your Mate have in your Pack.

Of course in basically every Werewolf story, Mates get their Mind Link with each other AFTER meeting or marking. However it's purely your choice about what happens with your mind links.



(Also I apooflagise for this short chapter. And I say apooflagise instead of apologise because that's how I talk because I'm a little bit weird.)
Next chapter is shifting!

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