Section 16; Q/A

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Here is for the Questions you have asked and my Answers to your questions.

If you want to be named with your questions you can ask.

I will be adding questions and answers as time goes on and more people read this or ask questions.

"What's the Average Lifespan?" > The average lifespan of a Werewolf - if they don't get killed in wars or by Hunters... I'd say - due to Longevity and Accelerated Healing. Maybe around 92 - 189 years, maybe longer. That depends on whether you give Werewolves the normal abilities they would be blessed with. (Which you should).

"Does genetics change a Werewolf's height?" > Well. I'd say probably for this question, honestly it depends. It depends on whether you decide on that or not. But usually yeah it'd probably change your height.

"Is there a chance of getting an albino?" > Yes, if the human form was albino then no doubt so would the wolf form. Werewolves can have albinos.

"Does your hair ever change colour during transformation?" > I'm going to say... Not usually, no. Usually the fur in your wolf form would be the same as the hair in your human form. So if you had a specific shade of brown hair in your human form, it would be that shade of brown for your wolf form. However in your story you can definitely have your hair change.

"How long does the transformation last?" > Maybe around one or two minutes, however you could also have it be as long or as short as you want, in your story it is your decision.

"How much pain do you go through?" > When you shift? The first few times would probably be very painful until your human body adjusts to your organs and bones and skin changing into a wolf. I'd say on a scale of one to ten... Five hundred. Very painful. Lots of pain.

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