Chapter 16

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*Authors note* Hey guys, this is just going to be a quick Eddie chapter because I just needed a reason to share something with y'all and I thought an Eddie Chapter would go good with it. Thanks to the "powers" of Facebook, I found a group of people who are also obsessed with our love Eddie. Among this group is a lovely lady who actually makes some pretty badass Eddie merch! Since I love my readers I decided I wanted to share it with you guys so here is the link. Don't worry, its a safe site, I'm ordering the Bleached "Munson" Sweatshirt on Friday, Idk about you guys but I'm getting mine a few sizes larger so that I can feel like Eddie is hugging me. Anyways, Enjoy!


When I dropped Y/N off earlier I hated having to leave, she's actually mine now! I want to spend more time with her but I know there is stuff we both have to do. So I drove home where my uncle was waiting for me "Hey Eddie" he says when I walk up to him and pat him on his shoulders. "Hey Unc, how was work last night?" I asked him, I know working night shifts at the plan puts a shit ton of stress on him. "It was work, not much to say about it," he says with a chuckle. It's what he always says every time I ask him about work, that's partly why I deal drugs, to help him with bills and shit so he doesn't have to work himself to death. He's my only family so he means the world to me.

My Uncle Wayne took me in when nobody else would, when I was younger I tried calling him dad because he was the only person raising me but he'd tell me just to call him Uncle Wayne. Before Y/N, he was the only person to ever really believe in me. While everyone else calls me a freak, my uncle has never seen me in that way.

I owe that old man a lot, "How's school going?" he asks me and I see it as the perfect opportunity to fuck with him "It's school, not much to say about it." I say as seriously as I can. He just looks at me and we both start laughing. School has always been hard for me, I could barely even string words together when my Uncle got custody of me. I don't have a lot of memories from before, I was told that I was in a really bad accident and I have vague memories of a hospital. All I know is I'm pretty sure I had a dad but every memory I have has my uncle and no-one else.

I say a quick bye to my uncle and walk inside the trailer to start cleaning up when I realize that Y/N and I never smoke the weed I had brought for us... So everything she says about me... She was sober, she really meant it.

I put the weed away in my little lock box inside my bedroom and grab my guitar "daddy's home" I whisper to it before putting it down and going into the living room to clean up.

Eddie Munson X Reader X Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now