Chapter 6

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"Eddie! Slow down a bit yeah?" I giggle out as Eddie speeds through Hawkins to my house. "What happened to Mr. 'The Freak' Princess? I was starting to like that!" he says while he starts easing his foot off the gas pedal. "Is that so? Well Mr. 'The Freak', I think that'll have to just be your nickname from now on!" We keep laughing and joking around the entire way to my place, it's so easy to feel comfortable around him. He has such an inviting personality and I just want to keep spending time with him

"I have some stuff to do with my Uncle after I drop you off, but I really enjoyed spending this time with you today Y/N" he smiles at me and I pout a little. Still, seeing Steve again today is taking up a big part of my mind... I'm thankful that Eddie didn't ask what my reaction was about, he is so amazing, honestly, anyone would be lucky to know him. I don't understand why they call him a freak.  "Oh!" I say suddenly "I have to pay you!" "Pay me?" he asks, that cute and confused look he had when we met earlier returns to his gorgeous face. "Yeah, for the weed? we smoked a lot and I know that that's how you make your money so I don't wanna leave you with nothing" he just chuckles "Just go out on a date with me, your pick, I'll pay, don't worry about paying me for the weed." "But-" "No buts Princess, I would give you everything I have just to see you smile"

He kisses me on the forehead again and we wave goodbye to each other as I run inside and he pulls out of my driveway. 

When I walk into my room I know there is a huge smile on my face. But at the same time, I'm more confused than ever... I really like Eddie, like... REALLY. Like. Eddie. Not just because of the fact that he smokes weed and likes Metallica or the fact that he has the most beautiful brown eyes a girl has ever seen. But we hung out for hours and there was not one look of pity or a sign that he thought I was about to fall apart. He treated me like a person, a princess... And that right there hasn't happened to me in a very, very long time. 

But at the same time. There is something about Steve that just makes me want to always be near him. In a perfect universe, they'd get together with me and we could just be happy, the three of us, both of them as my boyfriends... But alas, this is Hawkins, Indiana. Where nothing like that will ever happen for a girl like me. 

Doesn't stop me from imagining it though... And soon, just the imaginations become too much to handle. So I walk into my bedroom, take off my pants and panties, get under my covers, and start touching myself... I dip my fingers between my thighs and start rubbing my wet, aching pussy... Picturing what it would feel like to have Steve under me, fucking my pussy while Eddie is behind me, pushing himself into my ass. Both of them taking me like I belong to just them.

Eddie's hands would grip onto my hips while he slowly pushes himself farther and farther into my tight ass while Steve peppers kisses down my neck and I feel both of them harden more as I let out soft moans. Once Eddie buries himself to the hilt, Steve starts to move inside my pussy, making me moan louder and making Eddie's cock hurt a lot less. "I want you to play with your sweet pussy while Stevie here and I fuck you senseless, do you understand Princess?" that nickname of his for me, drives me wild, So I moan an agreement and start touching myself while they both slowly move inside of me . Steve takes one of my boobs into his large hand and massages it while Eddie grips my hips harder so that it leaves bruises that I know he will kiss later. "Stop messing with her tits and wrap one of your hands against her throat, put some light pressure, she loves that shit." Eddie tells Steve, and Steve listens. It restricts the blood flow to my brain and...

Just like that my orgasm hits me like a freight train. I cum harder than I ever have and I start to feel tired. I know I should be going to use the restroom so that I don't get a UTI, but sleep just overtakes me.

Eddie Munson X Reader X Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now