Chapter 18

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I pull us up to the cliff "Stay here" I tell Y/N, she just nods. Lucas, Dustin, Max and I all exit the car to get a better look by the edge of the cliff, but we don't see anything "I don't see them" Dustin says "Lucas, can you see anything?" I ask and he takes his binoculars and scans the area. "It's the lab," he says "They are going back home" Of fucking course.

"Okay, so here is the plan guys" I say when we get back to the car and Y/N "We can't drive the car down there, and I know that Y/N isn't going to let Max go with us if she's not with us. So Y/N you're gonna piggy back on me and we are going to walk down to the lab." I'm gonna have to be careful of her leg, she doesn't look like she's feeling to hot now. I put my hand on her forehead and she's not running a fever thank god, she must just be getting tired then. 

Max and I help her out of the car and I bend down in front of her so that all she has to do is lean onto me and I can pick her up. She's actually really light, not that I though that she would be heavy, but... I don't know. I stand back up and help her wrap her legs around my waist. Honestly, if feels really good having her wrapped around me like this, if only she was in front of me and not on my back. But if that was the case she would definitely feel the growing tent in my pants. "Loosen up" she mumbles and my body goes rigid, does she know I'm hard? "You just did the opposite of what I said. You feel really tense." She says "Well to be fair, we are currently walking to our potential death" I tell her jokingly.

"Will you two stop flirting and walk faster?" Henderson says from behind us and then she goes rigid. For a second I forgot that she is dating Munson, "Put me down" she says and start struggling against me, and for some reason, not letting her go and having her try to get away from me is turning me on more, her body is rubbing against mine and feeling her soft curves is doing some serious things to my dick. "Stop struggling Y/N, you're hurt, if you don't want to talk anymore that's fine but I'm not letting you hurt yourself more." I tell her and lift her higher on my waist before turning to Henderson. "We aren't flirting, just focus on finding your science experiment yeah?"  

Y/N stops trying to get off of me and decides to be quite for the rest of our hike, which I'm not gonna lie, sucks, because I was really enjoying talking to her. When we reach the clearing of the woods to the lab we hear someone yell "Who's there!" guards? There shouldn't be any but maybe I guess. "Who's there!" they yell again and I can see two people standing there. Nancy and Jonathan... And they are holding hands... "Steve?!" They both say "Nancy." I say and I adjust Y/N again "Jonathan?" Henderson asks.

"What are you doing here?" Nancy yells "Ex girlfriend?" Y/N asks quietly in my ear and I give her a subtle nod. "What are you doing here?" I ask back and I see Nancy notice that I have someone on my back. She crosses her arms in front of her and says "We're looking for Mike and Will. Who's your friend?" "I'm Y/N Mayfield, you're the ex girlfriend right?" She says and starts rubbing up and down my right arm with her hand "Steve was just telling me about how you guys broke up earlier, he was upset but he's all better now, right Stevie?" she smiles and looks at me "I- uh.. Yeah, much better" she really just took me by surprise with her actions.

"They're not in there are they?" Henderson asks the pair "We're not sure. Why?" Nancy responds, still in a sassy tone, is she jealous? She has no right to be. We hear a demogorgon screech and it's coming from the lab. That should answer her question. 

"Hey Stevie Wonder, can you put me down somewhere? I'm losing feeling in my legs." Y/N says, I chuckle at her newest nickname for me "Sure my queen, your wish is my command" I smile and roll my eyes "Hey Jonathan, mind if I put her on the hood of your car? She has a leg injury" he just nods and starts arguing with the kids about the last time anyone saw Will and Mike.

"How does it feel?" I ask Y/N and she gives me a questioning look "Your leg, does it still hurt?" "Well lets see, Its a hole, in my leg, that's not supposed to be there, yeah it still hurts genius" She laughs out. The bleeding has stopped so I remove my makeshift tourniquet and wrap it around the wound instead to keep it protected "We will clean it better and get you properly fixed up when this is all over" she nods and bites her lip, fuck that lip... I take my thumb to her mouth and gently remove her lip from between her teeth "Don't do that Y/N, I don't know what's going but there is something about you that makes me want to lose control, I'm respecting that you're with Eddie, but it's hard as hell." I tell her, she looks at me in the eye and says "IT'S hard as hell? Or you're hard as hell." My eyes widen, how did she know? She looks down at the bulge in my pants "Y/N..." I say, barely able to hold onto my restraint anymore. 

"The power's back." I hear Nancy yell out and that gives me the push that I need to step away from Y/N. Jonathan runs over to the little security booth that's next to us and starts aggressively pushing the open gate button, with no luck. Henderson starts telling him to move so he can try "Son of a bitch" he curses when it doesn't work for him either. We all just stand there looking at the gate "Could try to ram the car into it." Lucas says, that statement is followed by Max smacking him in the back of his head and Jonathan yelling "NO."

Dustin keeps pushing the button and much to our surprise, it works after a few minutes. "Hey! I got it!" he yells out to us, like we don't have eyes. I pick Y/N back up from the hood of the car while Jonathan and Nancy get in and speed through the gate "I'm afraid that I'm just going to have to hold you for a bit Y/N" I say smiling down at her and she rolls her eyes "Oh yes, I am sure that you are just so upset about having to carry me again." she says and we both laugh.

"Guys?" Max yells and we see two cars speeding towards us and honking the horn. Sherriff Hopper pulls up next to us and I get all the kids and Y/N loaded up into the back of his car before jumping into the passenger seat myself. "Hey Hopper" I say out of breath "We have one injured, Y/N, her leg." he nods and says "We will have to deal with that when we get to Joyce's house."

*authors note*

Hey guys, I know I've been awol for a bit now, been going through some shit, enjoy this extra long chapter as an apology lol. I will try to get back to writing everyday here soon I promise! Thanks <3

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