Chapter 21

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Eddie carries me to his car and just smiles while I play with his hair. I feel really safe for the first time all night, so I'm finally able to just sit back and relax.

"How did you find me tonight?" I ask him, not cause I'm upset, but because I'm curious. "I was driving past on my way to my place, and saw you and Steve getting out of Chief Hoppers car so I got curious" he says softly, probably waiting for me to get mad or something. "Well I'm happy I get to see you again today, I missed you" He smiles at me and kisses my forehead again "I missed you too my princess" he says and I blush, like, my entire face is cherry red now. "I like it when you call me that..." I mumble and he smiles even wider now.

We get to his car and he carefully sets me in the passenger seat and looks at my leg "You're gonna need stitches on this, don't worry, I got you baby." he kisses my forehead, shuts the door, and goes to his seat and drives away.

20 minutes later we pull up to a trailer "This isn't my house." I tell him, he looks around "Well would you look at that, hmm." he says "It's mine!" and we both laugh. "You're so weird!" I tell him, he just smiles and nods. He exits the car and goes to unlock the house before coming back and picking me up bridal style "One day," he starts "I'll carry you like this through an actual house..." I just look at him and put my hand on his cheek, much like Steve did for me earlier, and tell him "Is that your way of proposing to me Mr. Freak?" he just smiles and says "Believe me Princess, when I decide to propose to you, you will know, for now lets just get you all fixed up" 

He takes me to the bedroom in the back of the trailer and sets me on the bed. Then he turns to the guitar that he has standing on his dresser and says "Daddy's home, sorry I was late" and kisses it before opening on of his dresser drawers "Daddy?" I ask curiously, it's cute that he calls himself daddy to his guitar, it shows that he really loves it "Yes princess?" he says absentmindedly before freezing. "I-" he starts "Um..." "That's hot" I tell him and he just looks at me wide eyed "I want to fuck you so bad now..." I glance down at his hardening dick and bite down on my lip.

"So why don't you?" I ask. He looks down at the stitch kit in his hands and says "I have to help you first..." and shakes his head like he's trying to clear his mind. He finishes grabbing some medical stuff so he can fix my leg and then grabs a leather belt "You gonna spank me with that Munson?" I ask teasingly "Later princess, for now you might need it to bite on, this could hurt." So I do as I'm told and I put the belt in my mouth while he gets to work.

It didn't take as long as I thought it would, he stitched me up in 10 minutes "You're really good at this you know?" I say as he finishes cleaning up all my blood and checking the stitches "Yeah, I don't know how but I just 'know' how to do this. You feel?" I nod and continue admiring him. I love watching him work, and it really didn't hurt so I took the belt out of my mouth a couple minutes ago and we've been talking about how his day was after our date and shit like that. I shift uncomfortably for the billionth time today but this time Eddie notices.

"You okay?" he asks looking up at me worried, "Yeah... I think I might have a UTI... It kinda hurts right now" I tell him. His eyes go wide and he asks if there is anything he can do to help, I tell him no there's not but he tells me to wait a second before running out of the room.

He comes back a few minutes later with some plastic wrap "Give me your leg" he says and I listen. He carefully wraps my leg with the plastic wrap before taping it so nothing can get in and he takes me to the bathroom where he has made me a bath. "You did this for me?.." I ask "Yeah, I gotta take care of my girl..."

Eddie Munson X Reader X Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now