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Shuichi Saihara's pov

Wow, this is really the end of the human race? I expected it to end some other way... Maybe a war, a meteor, or something other than this...

I was the only man left on the entire planet. If I left my house untidy, no one would notice, if I decide to commit a crime (which I don't see myself doing...) no one would know, and if I screamed... No one would hear me. 

The house seemed so quiet, and all I could do was lay on my bed... The only noise that was being made was the mice in the walls, and I honestly didn't know how to react to this situation I found myself in...

What was my next goal? Was it to try to find some other survivors? Should I try to explore the city? Maybe even do the unthinkable?

It took me hours to decide what to do next, but by dinnertime, I decided to explore my abandoned city. 

Of course, everything looked pretty undisturbed. It was like everyone vanished from thin air, and this was all leftover untouched. 

It was very depressing to see everyone you loved disappear like this, but at the same time what was the point in moping around about them? This whole planet was all to myself, and I could do whatever I wanted. 

I went down to my favorite library which was within walking distance of my house... It felt strange walking along the deserted streets. Of course, I was jaywalking, but if there weren't any cars on the road what was the point? 

The library was empty... No one was around to greet me, or at least there weren't any people around to greet me. What was really there for me were thousands of books that wanted to be opened for me to be greeted with an amazing story. 

Reading has always been a distraction from life's problems for me... If I was going through something at school when I was younger, I would throw myself into a novel and all my problems would trap themselves in between the pages of a compelling book. 

People may say that was unhealthy, but look where they ended up. 

For the rest of the night, I was cooped up in the library which my hungry stomach didn't agree with, but hey, I had a whole planet's worth of grub to eat. 

I read so many tales of heroism, drama, war, and any book that had at least a great hook to it. I was going to read every single word from every single book in every single library in this city so I could take as much time as I wanted.

I finally left at daybreak, and my stomach probably had a smile on its imaginary face when I stepped into the nearest Subway. Sadly the sandwich wouldn't make itself, so I had to follow a tutorial on how to make my own footlong. It was easier than I thought and to be honest anyone could be a sandwich maker if they put effort into it. 

The footlong was as great as I remembered it. Even though it was made by different hands than usual it was still the footlong in the end. 

After I ate I could have easily guided myself back to the library. I could finish that book about the man who forgot his own family, but... This would be something I would do if there were other people on the planet. 

If I committed a crime no one would notice right? Everything was mine now because everyone else was gone. There were no laws, there weren't any rules to follow. The only thing I had to do was follow my heart's content. 

That is when I finally decided to do the unthinkable. 

Everyone has their own enemies, and even if you didn't everyone will have at least one at some point. 

Of course, there were a few people that I didn't hate, but they certainly knocked a pebble in my shoe every now and then. 

There were no wrongs or rights in this world anymore, and I doubt the concept of karma is out of the window. What if I set some of their dreams in flames, and everything they worked for would end up becoming a pile of ashes? 

If you didn't get the hint by now. Not only their memory would be disposed of, but their entire homes would be up in flames too!

There was no one there to stop me, and nothing was going to hold me back anytime soon. It was time to let my inner self get what it wants!

One by one I set all of my enemies' homes on fire. What was the point in not calling them my enemies? Those people terrorized me, so it was awesome setting everything they ever loved on fire. I could only stop and stare at the firey mess that was burning down their homes. They are never going to find out unless the devil gave them a vacation from where they are right now. 

Everything seemed right, and I didn't think anything would stop my satisfaction. I had the entire planet to myself. It was like I was living inside my own novel, and I was the sole protagonist. What was my goal? To have fun and live to my heart's content.

If I had to pick a name for this novel it would be. Shuichi Saihara: The Ultimate Survivor. That just sounded perfect. 

It didn't take me long to move to the more wealthy part of the neighborhood. There were dozens of homes to pick from, but hey they were all the same in the end. I decided to move into the one at the top of the hill. It was at the end of a canopy. Y'know one of those roads that end in a little circle. The view was breathtaking. I could see the whole city and I could only wonder about the many stories I could create here. 

Doctor if I am in a coma please don't wake me up... Because I am having the time of my life. 

I never thought that I would yearn for human contact again, but even the biggest of introverts needed a person to talk to... It may take a while, but I would be begging God for some kind of friend in a world like this.

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