Saimaki Wedding

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"Maki you know I want kids, but I think we should wait a while... We still have a lot to learn about each other, and I don't want to rush into things." I told Maki, but she wasn't going to back off. 

If you forgot what Maki asked me... Well, she basically asked me if I wanted to have kids with her. I really want to, but not right now. I only knew Maki for less than three weeks, and we have been dating for only two of those weeks. A lot of couples wouldn't even be saying I love you at this stage in the relationship.

"Shuichi I want to have your child... You are going to be an amazing father, and I love you. I know you are going to love our baby with all the love you could muster." Maki continued, and at this rate, I don't know what to do.

"Maki... I want to have your child, but let's give it time okay? Besides I have something else to tell you that is more important." I told Maki, and she was confused about what could be more important than babies right now.

"What is more important than the future of the human race Shuichi?" 


I got on one knee, and I pulled out a ruby ring. So what if we were together for only two weeks? I know I was thinking about how fast this way going, but if Maki wants kids I want something in return. This is the end of the world and there is no one to judge us if we want to get married now, later, or who knows when. I love Maki and she loves me and if she wants my child she would obviously say yes to marriage too. 

"Maki Akemi Harukawa, will you marry me?" 

"W-what... Of course Shuichi! Oh my god! Yes yes yes!" Maki exploded in happiness, and we kissed. 

That was one of the greatest days of my life. Who thought that the guy who kept himself cooped up in a library every day only four weeks ago was going to get married? It wasn't love at first sight, but Maki was the only girl I could see myself getting married to. 

One week later it was the date of our wedding. We didn't want to get married too soon after we got engaged, but we didn't want to wait forever! Maki decided to get married on the beach, and I went along with it. I would prefer getting married somewhere more unique, but hey as long as Maki was happy I was happy. 

 Everything was going well, and everyone was supporting us one way or another. Miu made some kind of device that apparently shot out a bunch of flowers when I kissed Maki, Kokichi made all the decorations and Kaito tried to help us out with all of our personal problems. 

That is when I started having doubts... 

I sat on the bench outside the church, and I could see the wedding being set up down by the seashore. All of my friends were all contributing in their own unique ways and I could tell they were excited for us to get married. At the same time though I was trapped in my thoughts, and to be honest I didn't know if I could go through with this wedding.

 At the same time though I was trapped in my thoughts, and to be honest I didn't know if I could go through with this wedding

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"Shuichi... Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice ask me, and it was Kaede...

"Kaede!?!? How- How are you still alive!?" I asked Kaede in total shock, but she shook her head at me.

"I'm still dead, but... I wanted to come to check on you in spirit form. I know you are having doubts and I know you still miss me. However, I am in your past and you have to move on sooner or later. Maki is going to be your wife, and I am happy for both of you. We were all great friends, and if I had to see you marrying someone else it would be her."

"W-what if I d-don't move on?" 

"You will Shuichi. Sooner or later I will only be a memory, and to be honest that is how it should be. You had no control over your feelings, and I can't blame you for choosing Maki. I just want to make sure you are going to be okay and you are ready to move on. I love you, but Maki loves you more." 

"I know that Kaede... I just don't want to forget you. You were the first girl I ever met that actually wanted to form a relationship with me, and I feel like I have treated you like total garbage. When you died it felt like a part of my world crumbled with you." 

"I forgive you Shuichi. You did nothing wrong, but if you want me to forgive you there you go. Now go be with Maki. She is the one for you. I will be at the wedding. In your heart." Kaede concluded, and that is when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Who are you talking to Shuichi?" A voice asked me, and it was Maki.

When I laid eyes on her all my doubts vanished. I was getting married today, and this was the start of a new chapter. Not the end of a sad one. 


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"Kaede. She is giving us her full support." I confessed to Maki.

"You know she isn't here right?" 

"I know... At least not in the physical form, but she is still in all of our hearts." 

"I know."

With that, we went down to the beach, and we got married. 

Kaito walked Maki down the aisle, and Miu clapped for her. Ouma decided to officiate, and everything was just falling into place. 

"Today we are here to celebrate the marriage of Shuichi Saihara and Maki Harukawa. Both of them have written their own vows. Man, I hate being this formal..." Kokichi started and that is when he turned to you.

"Shuichi you may go first." 

Okay, here we go Shuichi... Don't mess this up. 

"Maki the day I met you was very eventful, and to be honest we didn't really hit it off right away. Nonetheless, we eventually became friends, and over time I started to fall for you. You told me your deepest secrets and I told you mine, and we eventually started dating. Those were the greatest days of my life, and now they are going to be better because you are going to be my wife into death till we part. I love you Maki, and no matter what gets in our way we will always be together." I said to Maki, and she started crying happy tears.

Ouma was drowning in a puddle of tears, but when it was his cue to speak again he was able to stop crying instantly. 

"Okay, Maki it's your turn." 

"Shuichi no vows will tell you how much love I harbor for you, but for the rest of my days, I will always love you. Nothing will separate us, and I hope we will be this close forever. I love you Shuichi."

"Do you Shuichi Saihara take Maki Harukawa to be your sort of lawfully wedded wife and no matter how much I prank you you two will always be together?" 

"Um... I do." 

"Do you M-"

"I do!"

"You may kiss the bride!"

That is the day I married Maki Har- Saihara. We didn't start off on the right note, but we eventually became friends and then fell in love. Now we are here... No matter what happens Maki will always be my bride and nothing will stop that. Forever. 

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