Astronauts In Love

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Before the virus...

Kaito's Pov

My dreams were in reach and there was no way I was going to stop here. So what if there was a virus? We are going to be in space, and in space we don't have to worry about crap like that!

I was going up to the International Space Station with three of the most ambitious people I have ever met. Clarence, Elizabeth, and most importantly Mina.

I had a strange history with Mina, and it would take a whole novel to explain my tineline with the red headed beauty.

The first time I met her was in eighth grade, and usually I am a very charismatic and charming guy, but something about her gave me the jitters. I have met many amazing and inspiring women before, but Mina was the diamond in a pile of gold.

"Everyone I would like you to welcome Mina Aldrin to our school. I hope you all get along with her." Mr Madison introduced Mina.

That day would change my life forever, and Mina would send me down a trail of love, hope, and it even brought out some of my inner struggles.

"Kaito look at her... She is a hot piece of cake!" My close friend Bobby stated, and it wasn't uncommon of him to say things like that to people...

Bobby was my childhood bestfriend, and we shared a lot of the same interests. We got along very well, and we clicked at first glance. However everyone has their downsides and Bobby was a bit of a pervert. He wasn't a swearing mess like I would layer discover with Miu, but he was still very outspoken and inappropriate on multiple occasions.

"I know Bobby. She looks like she is a celebrity!" I added.

Trust me I was never the pervert Bobby was. I may be an idiot but I plead the fifth that I was never as perverted as he was. Wait... Am I allowed to talk after I plead the fifth?

"You should go talk to her. If she would talk to any of us it would be someone like you!" Bobby told me, and at the time I didn't even took note of my true feelings for Mina.

So I simply jumped out of my desk, and I walked over to her seat and simply took a seat next to her.

That is when everything turned south and I managed to make myself look like a fool.

"H-hi I'm K-Kaito..." I managed to mouth to her, and that she when she put on the sympathy act on me.

Girls like to act like you are ten years younger then your actual age when you seem inmature, nervous, or sometimes weird. I was none of those things, or atleast I didn't think I was.

"Hello sir. My name is Mina, Mina Aldrin. It is very nice to make your acquaintance. Make I ask you why you are so nervous?" Mina asked me politely, and for some reason I just got worse.

"U-uh... No reason. I wanted to tell you how uh... Cute you look." I told her, and to be honest I don't know how I got that out my mouth!

"Oh, I get it now. You came over here to flirt with me. Listen up. I don't like to engage in any romantic nonsense. I'm only turning fourteen in March. Do you really think I want a boyfriend?" Mina ranted, and I felt so defeated I tip toed back to my seat.

All of my friends eventually got word of the situation, and of course they treated me like I was a total wimp. Mina slowly became the most popular girl in school, and I was subjected to ridicule by all her friends. It was very embarrassing and I regretted  even speaking to her that day.

It was like when I was around her she made me turn into a whole different person. It was like she had me under a kind of spell. I was usually the most confident and charismatic person I knew. It was very out of character for me to act like that!

After that day I didn't say a word to Mina the entire year. We shared a few glances in the hall, but we never said a word to eachother. It was like the universe was trying to make us talk or communicate in one way or another but we wouldn't let it happen.

That isn't until the next year we entered highschool, and everything changed during the last month of school. It was an easy year for me even though that was the year I broke up with my first girlfriend Hollie. She was pretty kind at first, but her issues sort of engulfed the relationship and I forced myself to end it all.

After that I just focused more on more studies, and it was pretty straightforward after that all went down.

That is until I was put into the same group as Mina in history class. We were researching many ancient civilizations and our group decided to go with the Aztec Empire.

We already learned a lot about it earlier that year, so I was basically quoting things to add to our report.

Somehow I managed to not say a word to Mina halfway through the project. Funny because we had only four members in a group, so we eventually had to say something to the blue-eyed girl.

"Kaito do you have all the quotes?" Mina asked me, and I gave her a gentle nod without even looking in her direction.

That book was like a spider web and there was no way I was escaping from it.

That is when Mina started to get a little direct with me.

"Kaito... Look at me when you are talking to me..." Mina asked me calmly.


I looked at her straight in the eyes for the first time in forever, and my ambitious and charming self disappeared again.

"O-okay s-sorry!" I stuttered, but that was only the beginning of it.

"I don't know why you are so nervous around me Kaito. I don't have anything against you. What is your problem?" Mina said to me in frustration, and I felt like I was about to explode into tiny bits and pieces.

"I- I have to go to the bathroom." I muttered, and that is when I dropped my book and pencil to find the teacher.

I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could, and I locked myself in there for the rest of the period.

I couldn't understand myself anymore! What was wrong with me!? There was no other person I acted that way around so what gives?

I thought all of those memories would of disappeared by now but those were all ignited somehow. That is when I heard a knock on my door to interrupt my thoughts.

I made it downstairs, and opened the door.

It was like it was a blast to the past.

"Kaito! It's really you!" Mina exclaimed in pure joy, and I was flabbergasted by her hug.

I thought Mina was dead by now but... She was here!

What do I do!?

What do I do!?

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