The Abandoned Astronaut

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I was in utter shock! There was another man still alive! I thought that there was a chance someone else was out there we only just met Maki the other day. 

"Holy crap hello! I'm Kaito!" The man exclaimed with a huge smile on his face, and I went up to him and hugged him.

"I am Kaede! Kaede Akamatsu!" I said in rejoicing, and I was in absolute disbelief.

"Well, Kaede I guess we better start getting to know each other. There is a chance we are the last people on earth!" Kaito was thrilled, but he was in for a nice surprise.

"I have even better news Kaito! I know two other people as well! We are the last four people on earth!" I told Kaito, and he was super astonished by my revelation. 

"There are two other people!? Kaede you have to take me to them right now!" Kaito beamed, and I was happy to but...

I was going to New York for personal reasons that could have gotten me closure about a certain someone, but... Kaito is here and I have to take him to the others back in Ohio. He was very excited to see them, and if I didn't take him back he would probably be very upset. 

"Y-yeah of course Kaito! Anything for a new friend and one of three other people on the entire planet." I said to Kaito, and you both decided to take Kaito's car since it was faster.

His car seemed great from the outside, but once you stepped inside it smelled like a wasteland! You had to pull the window down to get the scent out of the car. It smelt like spoiled food, rotten pizza, and was that a dead dog!? 

"Kaito why is there a dead dog in the back of the car?!" 

"Oh right... That is Henry... He died from the virus and I have been meaning to bury him, but I have been on the road ever since I escaped the cave so I never got the chance to make him a final resting place." Kaito said as he started the car.

"Ah... What do you mean by escaping a cave?"

"Well I was actually in space for a while, but then the virus hit. No one came to rescue me so I had to do an emergency escape. My probe fell into a deep cave and I was unconscious for weeks. About a week ago I regained consciousness and after navigating out of the cave I went back home and I found tons of bodies all over the place. I figured out my assumption was right, and I started to travel across the country to find people. I never gave up hope, and then I found you." Kaito explained, and I felt for this guy.

"Wow, that story is pretty sad minus the end. If anyone else was in your position I would assume that they wouldn't have the guts to do an emergency detachment. Were you in the ISS?"

"Yeah, it was an amazing experience at first... But then we lost communication with HQ. I was the only one who had the guts to make it back to earth turns out that after I left they escaped as well. I tried to go back for them, but then I found two crashed probes near mine... Their missions weren't successful."

"Sorry man..." 

"It's okay Kaede. I have you and your friends. I knew that I was bound to find someone sooner or later. Can you promise me something Kaede?" Kaito asked.

"Yeah sure Kaito!" 

"Can you not bring up the virus? I want to live in the moment and that is all in the past. We need to live in the moment, and help the future!" 

It was honestly pretty nice having a new face around, and he was very optimistic and ambitious. He is the kind of guy we needed in a situation like this! I can be optimistic and ambitious in my own way, but he is the living embodiment of confidence. I could tell from the start that we were going to have a lot of fun with and maybe even Maki could fall in love with him. 

That Night...

Shuichi Saihara's POV

How did it get to this? 

We were planning to binge watch episodes of Dateline, but turns out we were roasting marshmallows in the middle of the cul de sac. We set up a public area so we could hang out anytime we wanted. We could obviously meet up in one of our homes, but this spot just felt right. We dragged an old brown sofa from one of the nearby homes, and we even put a tv outside using a very long cord. Don't ask how...

We weren't watching Dateline, but Maki convinced me to watch a disney movie... But everytime it got corny we had a sip of wine. Wow we were getting drunk!

It turned out that we past out, and we were out for the rest of the night. That is when we were woken up... By Kaede and... Wait who is that?

 Wait who is that?

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