Kaede's Funeral

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(Pretend the pic says 2022)

Why did it have to come to this? I thought we were all going to survive together. I didn't expect one of us to die like this. 

Kaede Akamatsu the ultimate pianist was dead, and to be honest I should have been the one who died. I betrayed her, and I love Maki with my entire heart. I should have found a way to keep them both in my good gracious. 

Now one of them was my girlfriend and the other was a dead ex. 

None of us have gone to a funeral before, and we didn't even know how to start. I mean we already had her grave done, and we already found a nice spot to bury her... However, we wanted her to be buried with honor and love. 

"I- I guess we should all make speeches on how Kaede impacted our lives?" Maki brought up, and I and Kaito decided that should be our first step.

"Who wants to go first?" Maki asked, and Kaito volunteered. 

Kaito stepped up in front of her casket giving Kaede a frown as he started his speech.

"I know we didn't start off on the right foot Kaede, but I really cared about you. I knew we argued a lot, but I know you wanted me to bring out the best of myself. I will miss you for the rest of my life, and I hope that you are able to find peace in the stars." 

"That was a good speech Kaito. I think Kaede would have forgiven you after a speech like that." I complimented Kaito, and he smiled at me before sitting back down.

"I guess I am next..." Maki commented and she stepped up in front of the casket.

"Kaede I am sorry that it came to this. We never wanted you to run off and get yourself killed like this. I wanted all of this to stick together, but now... It is too late and I am sorry things didn't end up differently. We all loved you in different ways, and if I had the opportunity to put myself in your place I would." Maki spoke, and we all started tearing up.

It was finally my turn and between the three of us, I probably had the most pressure on my shoulders. I was the one who dated this girl, and I knew her the longest even though it was only for a few days. I loved this girl, and even when I fell for Maki I still cared about her like she was my sister in a way. 

Let's get this over with.

"There is no excuse for this. I know Kaede died in the car crash, but I was the reason why she left. If it wasn't for me Kaede would still be alive and we all would be having dinner right now. We would be a happy family, and everything would be fine in the world. There is a chance we might be the last people on earth. Who knows we could have killed the last pianist on earth. I am going to miss you so much Kaede, and no one will ever replace the light you brought into our lives." I said, and I stopped talking and everyone came up to hug me. 

After we were done with our speeches we put the casket into the hole, and we reburied the dirt. 

It was done with. Kaede was buried, and so were all the memories we had with her. Some of us knew her better than others, but we all were going to miss her. If the next event didn't happen we would of gone back home and moped for who knows how long.

However we heard a horn, and I checked to see if everyone else heard it too. 

"Guys, did you hear that?" 

"I think I heard it too Shuichi. It sounded like a car horn!" Maki confirmed.

"No way! I heard it as well! Do you think someone is in the city!?" Kaito said, and just like that, we heard it again!

The thing is the noise kept getting louder, and eventually, we noticed a pink truck at the bottom of a hill. 

We all immediately ran down in rejoice, and that is when we saw a woman with pink hair jump out of the car. 

"Holy shit! Hi!" The tall girl said and she ran over to hug us. 

All of the sadness we felt only a moment ago was shadowed by the arrival of this young woman. To make things even better she wasn't alone. 

"Damn it, Miu! I was going to win the bet!" He said in annoyance.

"Just join the hug you little abortion!" The girl named Miu shouted at the short purple-haired man and he joined the hug. 

Just like that our numbers grew to five, and we had two new friends. 

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