Miu's Feelings

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"Goodnight Mrs. Saihara~" 

"...Goodnight Mr. Saihara." 

It was a great ending to probably the greatest day of my life. I married Maki, and there was no way I was going to ever be with another woman. She was amazing. I never thought this day would come, but here I was. 

I was going to bed after the greatest day of my life. I don't think it could get any better at this point.

"Wait Shuichi. I need to talk to you about something." Maki said to you before we went to bed, and I turned the lamps back on to see what she needed.

"What did you want to talk about Maki?"

"Well, now that we are married I think we should do something special for our honeymoon. We have so many options to choose from, and I want to explore the country. I never had this opportunity before, and I want to do it with you and only you Shuichi." Maki explained, and I got where she was coming from.

"I mean I think we should give it a week. I want to hang out with everyone else more before we suddenly disappear. After we bond with them some more I think we can go." I voiced to Maki, and she seemed to understand.

"Okay then I guess we can give it some time, but where do we even go? We have a whole country to explore." Maki said.

"I think a good place to start is the liberty bell, and that takes us the way to Washington D.C. We could make it up to New Jersey and see the Statue of Liberty, and even explore the remains of New York City!" I expressed to Maki.

"That sounds nice Shuichi. I wish I was able to do this years ago." Maki commented, and that is when we decided to go to bed.

The next morning I woke up with a note on my nightstand and it was from... Miu?

Why did Miu come in here when we were sleeping!? Maybe she could of put it on the door!? It made me very uncomfortable knowing she was in my house when I was asleep! She could have done anything to us!

Where did Maki go? She was just here last night.

I guess I should go and see Miu. The alarm clock said it was ten in the morning, so it looks like I fell asleep through my alarm clock yet again...

I really shouldn't let that get to me. I had to see what Miu wanted. (and maybe teach her about pricacy in the process.)

Miu's house was a bit out of the ordinary compared to everyone else's. To be honest she treated herself like she was the queen of England on steroids.

Miu's house was full of photos of herself and tons of different men. From young men to older men of all different shapes and sizes, and I was praying that they weren't what I was thinking...

I let myself in because Miu didn't have any respect for my privacy so why should I respect hers?

"Miu I'm here! It's Shuichi!" I yelled out into the house listening for Miu.

"Come upstairs into my bedroom. I need to ask you something Pooichi." Miu told me, and I followed her voice until I made it to her bedroom.

When I made it upstairs I found Miu combing her hair on her bed.

Miu's bedroom was plastered with pastel pink all over the place, and she had some pretty unique decor.

There were some kinds of chainmail on the dresses, she had some blueprints scattered all over the floor, and she even had some tools hanging on her closet doors.

Jeez, can she ever get a break from inventing her ins- I mean brilliant inventions?

Trust me when I say that I really care for Miu, but I have to confess I really get nervous for her at times. I don't even know how she was able to live in the previrus world.

Anyway, she was my friend and I still had to give her my full support. She was the second most important girl in the world to me after all!

"Miu, you wanted to talk?" I asked Miu, and she nodded her head while she was combing her hair.

"Shuichi this may be a little wimpy of me to ask you this, but hear me out..." Miu started off looking a bit nervous which was rare for her minus when she is insulted by Ouma.

"Okay, Miu. I am listening." I reminded Miu, and after taking a nervous look across the room she told me what was wrong.

"Shuichi I don't know how you do it. How did you get Maki to fall in love with you? She was only your second girlfriend and you ended up marrying her." Miu stated, and I was a little perplexed about where she was going.

"Miu, what are you trying to say? I don't understand." I commented and that is when Miu started being more straightforward with her inquiry.

"I'm asking you how you made Maki fall in love with you incompetent slug!" Miu said in complete disarray.

How was I going to answer this question? If I wanted to answer Miu's question we would be here for hours. I mean we have all the time in the world but...

"Miu love is something very complicated and if I were to explain it we would be here for a long time. Why are you asking me this the first time."

"I've been in dozens of relationships but they have never last. Something always goes wrong and I am always left in the fucking dust at the end of the day. I want to know how you did it! I want to learn how to fall in love!" Miu shouted at me in urgency and sadness.

Well, I don't see myself leaving this room anytime soon so I better help this poor girl out. This was the first time I caught Miu in such a vulnerable situation so I better help her out.

"May I sit down Miu?"

"Do you look like a dog?! Of course, you can f-fucking sit down!" Miu blurted out.

I quickly sat down and I started to question Miu about her true feelings.

"Miu love is many different things for people. It could be love at first sight for one person, but for others, it may take a while for that spark to blossom. I may be a detective but I didn't figure out Maki liked me right away." I started off, and for once Miu was paying close attention to what I was saying.

"O-okay Shuichi, but what do I do when I catch feelings for someone? I don't want to ruin my friendship with the person if I have feelings for them."

I still couldn't believe I found myself having this discussion with Miu. A month ago love seemed like a forbidden word to me, but now I was helping others with their own issues with love.

"Miu I don't understand. Do you have a crush on someone? If so you can tell me." I comforted Miu, and that is when she confessed her true feelings to me.

"I think I am in love with Kokichi."


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