5 - Going Home

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Tw: abuse

"Y/n, wake up." I hear someone say loudly in my ear.

"No." I mutter tiredly.

"Y/n, you need to start packing today." Lily says and I just groan.

School is almost over. It's almost time to go home and face my parents. I'm having so much fun here, I don't want to leave.

I know I will be back at the end of the summer, but I'm going to miss having my friends around all the time. I know they constantly annoy me but they're my best friends. I've only known them for just less than a year but we're already so close.

I get out of bed and start packing.

Lily, Marlene and Alice are already packed but I've been putting it off for days.

Why can't I just stay here instead of going home?

I am so bored as I pack my belongings. The room is empty, Lily, Alice and Marlene were outside enjoying the nice weather.

I decide to take a break from packing and head to the boys' room.

I knock on the door and Remus answers.

"Hi, Y/n." he says as he holds the door open for me to enter.

"Hey, Remus." I greet him as I walk into the room.

Sirius, Peter and James are packing, or at least trying to pack.

"What are you doing here?" Remus asks me.

"Packing is so boring," I complain. "I got fed up, so I came here."

"Fair enough." He says with a slight chuckle. "Do you need help packing?"

"Hey!" James yells.

"That's not fair!" Sirius yells louder.

"You didn't offer to help us!" James yells somehow even louder. Why are these dumbasses so loud?

"Maybe it's because he loves her." Peter says jokingly.

Me and Remus both turn red and look away from each other.

Sirius turns to glare at Peter. "No." He says bluntly and if I wasn't trying not to die of embarrassment I would be laughing at him.

He's always been really overprotective of me and I guess he doesn't enjoy the thought of a boy being in love with me.

Which Remus isn't. He definitely doesn't love me. We're just friends.

"Right well, I'm going back to packing." I say hurriedly as I leave.

"Awww, you not going to kiss your boyfriend goodbye?" James says jokingly while making kissy faces. Sirius throws a pillow at him and hits him right in the face.

I head back to my room and get back to packing.

It's not fun at all but I eventually finish and I'm honestly really proud of myself. I decide to eat some chocolate as my reward. I am munching on some chocolate while sitting on my bed staring at the wall not knowing what to do, when I hear a knock on my door. I walk to the door and open it to see the boys standing there.

"Hey, you done packing?" Sirius asks.

"Yeah, I am." I say and walk away from the door towards my bed and they follow. We all sit down on my bed.

"I can't believe that its been almost a year since we first met." Remus says.

"I know. Who would willing put up with Y/n for a whole year?" James says jokingly and I punch him in the arm as we all laugh.
"Seriously though, I couldn't ask for better friends." James says.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now