14 - A Shitty Christmas

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Tw: abuse, being forced to eat, SA

I reluctantly pack my things as I prepare to head home for Christmas.

I hate this, I really wish I could just stay here.

I'm taken from my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door. I quietly groan and go answer it, but brighten up a little when I see it's Remus at the door.

"Hey." I greet him, trying my best to be cheerful.

"Hey," He responds. "Are you done packing yet? James, Sirius and Peter want to head out in the snow one last time before we leave."

"Not yet," I answer, walking back over to my bed with Remus following behind me. "I've kinda been procrastinating packing, I just don't want to."

"Need any help?"

"No, it's fine, you go outside."

"I'm not going to just leave you in here by yourself," He says and I smile slightly. "I could just stay and keep you company."

"Really, you don't need to stay, just-"

"Y/n, shut up, I'm staying." He cuts me off.

"Fine, but you're not bloody helping me pack." I mumble.

I continue packing, which is a lot easier with Remus here keeping me half distracted with conversation.

Soon I'm done and we head outside to join James, Sirius and Peter in whatever snow-related nonsense they're up to.

They're having a snowball fight, which Remus and I join in with.

It's nice to have a fun moment before heading home.

But the moment is over too soon as we have to head to the train.

I'm mostly silent during the train ride, only occasionally joining in with the conversation. I was just too zoned out.

And the train ride goes by too quickly. Too soon are we pulling into the station and getting our things.

It pains me to say goodbye to my friends as Sirius and I head over to mum, dad and Regulus.

This is going to be a long couple of weeks...


I'm woken up on Christmas morning by a banging on my door.

"Get up!" Mum yells through the door.

I roll onto my side and make eye contact with Sirius from across the room.

We don't need to say anything.

Both of us silently get out of bed and exit the room to go get some breakfast.
We're stopped by mum when we get to the bottom of the stairs.

"What do you think you're doing?" She demands.

"Getting breakfast." Sirius answers.

"Absolutely not," She says and I'm confused. "You both need to get ready for the party right now."

"But we're hungry." I argue.

"I don't care. Go upstairs and get ready. Now."

Sirius and I roll our eyes but head upstairs.

The moment we get into our room I begin digging through my trunk. I'm sure I've got some chocolate in here somewhere.

I find two bars of chocolate and chuck one to Sirius.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now