43 - End of Year Party

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The end of the year was quickly approaching and I would be upset about leaving if I wasn't constantly studying for the NEWTS, which were going to fucking kill me. I haven't slept in days, I can barely remember what day it is so I'm also losing track of meal times. Studying is going great.

"Y/n, you need sleep." Remus says.

"No, you need sleep." I retaliate.

"Y/n, its eight in the morning, I've already slept and judging by the way you look, you definitely haven't."

"Excuse me, this is just how I always look." I argue and Remus rolls his eyes at me.

"Put the book down and get some rest." He demands.

"No, just one more chapter." I argue.

"Y/n, random question, what day is it?"

"Umm, Wednesday?" I guess.

"No, its Saturday." Remus says. "When was the last time you slept?"

"Judging by the fact that I think its Wednesday, I'm assuming Tuesday was the last time I slept."

"Y/n, you need to sleep."

"I'll sleep when I'm dead," I say. "Could you please go down to the kitchens and get me a coffee."

"No. No coffee. Go to sleep." He says. Before I have a chance to argue James, Sirius and Peter enter the room.

"When was the last time you slept?" Sirius asks upon seeing my sleepy face.

"Tuesday, I think." I answer and Sirius gives me a concerned look.

"You need to sleep." He says and I roll my eyes, which I could barely keep open.

"Yeah, so I've been told."


"Y/n, you'll do great on the NEWTS, stop studying and come eat some lunch." Sirius says.

"Its lunch time?" I ask as I lift my head up to look at him.

"Do you even know what day it is?"

"I have lost all concept of time." I answer and he chuckles slightly.

"Book down, eat some food, drink some juice and then have a nap. Please."

"Fine." I sigh and head down to the great hall with my brother.

Ok, maybe everyone was right, maybe I did need to eat some food, have a drink and take a nap. It did help. But once I woke up I was back to studying.

This was going to be a long few weeks.


My friends had made sure that I was eating, drinking and sleeping enough and I was grateful that they were doing so or else I'd probably be dead.

The first exam we had was for Transfiguration and it wasn't too difficult. I struggled on Potions but I have a feeling that I definitely passed. I enjoyed the Care for Magical Creatures exam and feel that I did quite well. I still have NEWTS for Charms and Herbology.


NEWTS were over, finally we were all allowed to relax. We still had a week left at Hogwarts and the pain of leaving was finally sinking in.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now