33 - Winter Dance

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Word spreads fast about a dance that will be happening during the Christmas holidays. Everyone seems really excited, but I'm already tired of how dramatic everyone has been. There's already been chaos and drama over who's going with who.

I am so glad I have Remus and therefore cant get dragged into the drama.


The next Hogsmeade trip is spent dress shopping.

Marlene, Lily, Alice and I all help each other pick out dresses and it's a lot of fun. What's even more fun is finding the ugliest dresses we could and laughing at them - which me and Marlene do until Lily tells us to quit joking around, which is fair, we do need to actually find dresses to wear before all the good ones are sold out.

We all try a bunch on and have a mini fashion show. We spend hours in the store and eventually we all find dresses we like.

Mine's is one of my favourite colours that looks nice with my skin tone and it's the perfect length and is really comfortable. But the best part is that it has pockets!

We then go and buy some shoes and accessories and then do some random shopping.

It's been a really great day.

Once we're tired out from shopping, we head to The Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer.

As we're sitting and talking, my eyes meet Remus' from across the room, making me smile.

I smile even more as he says something to James, Sirius and Peter before walking over and sitting down beside me.

"Hey, how was dress shopping?" He asks, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Quite fun," I answer. "Found a really pretty dress."

"Well, you're absolutely gorgeous, so I'm sure any dress would be a really pretty dress if you were wearing it."

I cant help but blush. Marlene begins pretending to throw up.


As the dance nears, it's all anyone can talk about. The teachers pretty much give up on teaching us for the whole of the last week of school, even McGonagall gives up and just lets us do whatever we want.

I roll my eyes as a group of girls sitting near us in class begin gossiping about other people's dates.

"Is there really nothing else in the world that people can talk about right now?" I grumble.

Remus chuckles amusedly, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"It's not that bad," He says.

"People are annoying."

At that moment, James, Peter and Sirius come over, joining us at our table. James slumps down onto a seat, a pout on his face.

"Speaking of annoying people," Remus whispers in my ear, making me laugh slightly.

"Did you know that Lily already has a date?" James questions.

"Yeah," I answer with a small shrug. "Some Ravenclaw in our year. She's been studying with him for a few months now and-"

"Ooh, studying?" Sirius says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Actual studying, it's not an innuendo," I say, glaring at my idiot brother. "Anyways, he asked her if she wanted to go to the dance together and she said yes."

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now