41 - Who's the Cuter Couple?

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Christmas was over. Decorations were no longer everywhere and places seemed much more dull. The snow was melting and it was almost constantly raining. All students were back at Hogwarts, the only place I feel safe from everything currently going on in the real world.

There were more murders. A terrifying amount of murders. People were being killed. At first it was just muggles being killed but now its also witches and wizards. I'm scared. Everyone is at risk. I don't want anything to happen to my friends, I don't know what I'd do without them. What would I do without my late-night talks with Alice, Marlene and Lily? What would I do without sneaking down to the kitchens late at night with James and Peter? What would I do without my pain-in-the-ass brother annoying me all the time? What would I do without Remus?

"Y/n, put the newspaper down." Remus demands softly.

"More people have been killed." I say quietly as I place the newspaper down on the table in front of me as we sit and eat our breakfast.

"Y/n, we'll all be fine." James assures me.

"How do you know that?" I ask. "You cant be sure that we'll all be ok. These murderers aren't killing specific people, they are killing anybody. Any one of us could be next."

"Y/n, calm down," Sirius says calmly. "We're safe here at Hogwarts. No one would dare do anything with Dumbledore here."

"Sirius, we're only at Hogwarts for a few more months," I say. "What's going to happen when we leave? We wont have Dumbledore to protect us then."

"Y/n, you're being paranoid." Remus says and gently places his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.

Lily walks past us and takes the newspaper off the table.

"What've I told you about reading this?" Lily asks me and lightly hits me on the head with the paper. "You're just going to get worried and paranoid. This whole situation will be over soon, whoever is committing the murders is going to get caught and everything will be fine."

"What if you're wrong?" I ask quietly and I don't think anyone hears me.

I look down at my plate, which had some pancakes on it, and suddenly I've lost my appetite.

"I'm not hungry," I say and stand up. "I'm going on a walk around the castle."

I quickly exit the great hall and I hear footsteps following me. I knew it was Remus who had followed me.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Remus asks as he easily catches up to me. Darn his stupid giant legs.

"I'm fine." I lie but Remus gives me a 'I know you're lying, just tell me what's wrong' look. I sigh.
"Remus, I'm scared." I admit quietly and we sit down on a windowsill.

"Y/n, being scared is normal." Remus says. "Everyone is scared of something, you're only human."

"Well, it seems like I'm the only one freaking out in this whole situation," I say. "Am I just being crazy, is there really nothing to be worried about?"

"Y/n, you're not being crazy, or at least not crazier than usual," He says with a grin and I jokingly narrow my eyes at him. "I think you're reacting in a perfectly normal way. People are being murdered, feeling scared that you're going to be killed is rational."

"I'm not worried about me being killed," I admit. "I'm worried about you. You, Sirius, James, Lily, Alice, Marlene, Peter, everybody I care about is at risk." I feel tears forming in my eyes as Remus pulls me in for a tight hug.
"I don't want to lose you." I cry as Remus rubs his hand on my back comfortingly.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now