13 - Time with Remus

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Tw: anxiety attack

~*Y/n's POV*~

"Y/n, guess what!" Lily says excitedly as I reach my room after quidditch practise.

"What?" I ask as a flop onto my bed. I'm very tired after that practise.

"First Hogsmeade trip is scheduled." She announces happily.

"When is it?"

"14th of October." She says. "I cant wait."


"That's the day after the full moon." Remus says sadly after I tell the boys about the Hogsmeade trip. "I'll probably be in the hospital wing most of the day. I guess I cant go."

"If you cant go then we're not going either," James says but Remus shakes his head.

"I'm not letting you four miss out on this just because of me."

"Remus, are you sure?" Sirius asks.

"I'm sure." He says. "Plus, I'll be able to come next time."

"We'll bring you back loads of chocolate," Peter says and Remus smiles.

Nothing interesting had happened recently and all anyone in our year could talk about was the Hogsmeade trip.

It's a pity that Remus can't come, it wont be as fun without him there. He constantly says that he doesn't mind not being able to come with us but I can tell that it bothers him. I wish there was some way that we could make him not feel left out.

Or maybe we could just not listen to him and we could stay behind with him.

No, the boys probably wouldn't enjoy that, even if they do agree they would only be doing it for Remus and I know they don't want to miss out on this.

Maybe I could stay behind. I don't mind missing out, because of homework I've not had much time to read so I could stay behind with Remus and we could have a quiet reading day.

Yep, I like the sound of that idea. I don't think I'm going to tell Remus though, he'll try to stop me.


The Hogsmeade trip is today and I've told James, Sirius and Peter that I'm staying behind. They offered to stay behind too but I told them not to, I know how much they want to go.

Right now, Remus is in the hospital wing. I sneak out of my room quietly, Lily, Marlene and Alice were still asleep, and head down to the common room. James, Sirius and Peter are down there, talking happily about their Hogsmeade plans.

"Lets go get breakfast," I say as I approach them. All three boys agree and continue discussing Hogsmeade the whole walk down to breakfast and all through out breakfast as well. I finished my breakfast quite quickly and stand up.

"Remember to buy me chocolate," I remind Sirius and he pus his hand up to his head and salutes me.

"Yes, ma'am."

I laugh at him and walk away, shouting a quick bye to my friends. I head up to the hospital wing and open the door cautiously.

"Hello Miss Black," Madam Pomfrey welcomes me, looking up from her desk where she was doing some boring looking paperwork. "I didn't expect to see you, the Hogsmeade trip is today, is it not?"

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now