35 - Rumours

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Now that my leg is mostly healed, I decide that I need to figure out a way to keep Snape quiet. I know Sirius said that Dumbledore told him that he can't say anything about it, but I don't trust that he'll keep his mouth shut.

I figure the best way to keep him quiet is to just make him forget about the night entirely. It'll be difficult, but I need to obliviate him. If this goes wrong or I get caught I could be in serious trouble, but I don't care. I'm not going to let Snape ruin Remus' life. He doesn't deserve that.

"Hey, Lils?" I question.

"Yeah?" Lily responds, looking up at me from her bed.

"Do you know where Snape would be right now?" I ask.

"Why?" She responds, looking at me sceptically.

"Nothing bad," I say too quickly. "Well, I don't know, depends how you look at it. I just- he found out something about Remus, a huge secret, and if he tells the entire school then- well, it wouldn't be good. I just need to find him and make him forget it."

"You're going to obliviate him? Y/n, you know you could get in trouble for that."

"I don't care. If I get expelled, so what? It's not the end of the world," I say. "And it's not like there's anything me or anyone else could say to convince him to keep his mouth shut."

"Fine," She sighs. "Sometimes he hangs around in the potions classroom, he might be there."

"Thank you. You're really great."

I leave the room and walk through the halls down to the dungeons. I peak into the potions classroom, looking through the slightly open door, and see Snape standing over a cauldron.

I pull out my wand and really focus. I wave my wand, pointing it at Snape and quietly whispering the incantation.

I notice his eyes glaze over slightly and he stops what he was doing. For a moment I fear the spell had gone wrong, but he seems fine and returns to whatever he was doing.

I quickly leave the hallway, not wanting to be seen by anybody.

As I walk into the common room, Sirius approaches me.

"Hey, we think we've figured out a plan to make Snivellus forget-"

"No need," I interrupt him. "I dealt with it."

"Can you please elaborate because that sounds a tad murdery."

"I used a memory charm," I explain, rolling my eyes. "I'm pretty sure it worked, so he doesn't remember that night at all."

"Alright, great." He nods. "James and I can go annoy him later, that way we can confirm that he's forgot it."

"Sounds good," I say. "If he hasn't, I could try obliviating him again."

He nods again. "Well, we were all just about to head down for dinner if you want to come."

I assume 'all' will include Remus. I don't think I can handle seeing him. Not yet.

"I don't know, I- I'm not hungry right now, I think I'm gonna just go upstairs and have a nap. I'll eat later though, I promise."


I wake up on Monday with a groan. I do not want to go to classes.
I sit next to Remus in most classes and I just cant deal with the idea of seeing him.

Lily manages to drag me out of bed and I get ready.

Lily, Alice, Marlene and I head down to breakfast together.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now