15 - Emotions Are Dumb and Confusing

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Tw: anxiety attack

Sirius and I get on the bus and ask them to take us to Potter Mansion.

The bus stops a couple times before we arrive at our destination. We thank the bus driver as we grab our trunks and get off.

We approach the front door and Sirius knocks.
I begin worrying for a moment, it's quite late, what if they're in bed?

But the door opens.

Mrs Potter greets us with a kind, albeit confused, smile.

"Hello you two," She says cheerfully. "Come on inside, you must be freezing."

"Thank you." I say quietly as we follow her inside.

She tells us just to leave out trunks in the hall and leads us into the living room where James and Mr Potter are sitting on the couch.

James' face lights up upon seeing us and rushes over, first pulling Sirius in for a hug and then me. I relax for a moment as he hugs me, James really gives great hugs, they always make me feel safe.

"What're you guys doing here?" He questions.

"It got bad again." I mumble quietly.

James looks at us both in concern, but doesn't question it any further.

"Well, c'mon, we'll head upstairs." He says.

I smile slightly as James leads the way to his room. Sirius and I grab out trunks on the way and just dump them at the side of James' room.

We all sit down on James' bed.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"Not really." Sirius mumbles.

"That's fine, I didn't really expect you," James says. "Oh, I just remembered something."

He stands up suddenly and walks over to his trunk. He takes out a couple of items and throws them to us.

"I bought you guys Christmas gifts," He explains, sitting back down. "I totally forgot to give you them before we left, and I didn't want to send them to you because, well, your mum is a bitch."

"Agreed," I say as I unwrap the gift. It's a hoodie. I absolutely love it. "Thank you so much, it's amazing, but you really didn't have to."

"Shut up and just accept it." James responds.

I chuckle lightly. "Fine."

We then spend the next few hours talking and joking around. It's really nice. I've missed feeling joy.


I smile to myself as we head back to platform nine and three quarters. The past week has gone by quickly and now we're heading back to Hogwarts.

My eyes scan the crowd worriedly, not wanting to see mum. I know she'll be here dropping off Regulus. I know she'll go crazy if she sees us. Merlin, I am not looking forward to the summer.

As I'm looking around, I get distracted by the sight of Remus. Our eyes meet from across the platform. I see him say something to his parents before quickly walking over to me.

"Hey," He greets me happily, chuckling when I wrap my arms around him. "How was your holidays?"

"Total crap," I answer, releasing him from the hug. "How was yours?"

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now