17 - Summer at James'

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~*Y/n's POV*~

For once, I'm not dreading the holidays. This year, instead of going home - aka hell - Sirius and I are going to stay with the Potters. It's going to be great. I might kill James, because he's an ass, but other than that, it'll be great.

I swear, this is the only year where I haven't completely procrastinated packing. I'm actually excited.

This is weird. Feeling joy right now feels wrong. It's like I'm supposed to be miserable.


The last quidditch game of the year comes around and this time both James and I are freaking out. We won our first game against Ravenclaw, but narrowly lost to Hufflepuff - I swear James was crying about that loss for a week - so in order to win we'd have to beat Slytherin by a lot of points.

So the captain has told the seeker to wait until we build up points to catch the snitch, and for the beaters to focus on hitting bludgers at the Slytherin seeker any time they seem like they're going after the snitch.

My hands shake with nerves as we walk out onto the pitch.

The screaming crowd is a blur of red and green. I cant focus on anything. I'm a total wreck.

The captains shake hands, both of them glaring at each other, and then the game begins.

I try to shake away my fears and play the game. I chase after the quaffle, knocking it out of the hands of the Slytherin chaser, smiling as James catches it and soars towards the goalpost.

I can do this. We can do this. We can win.

The game progresses and both teams score plenty goals, but luckily we're in the lead.

That is until Slytherin's seeker catches the snitch.

I look over at James who has immediately began yelling swear words, which are drowned out by the mixed cheers and boo's from the crowd. I begin flying towards him but freeze in the air when suddenly a bludger comes out of nowhere and hits him right in the head.

"James!" I exclaim, watching in horror as he falls.

Thankfully, someone - assumingly a teacher - stops him before he can hit the ground. I quickly fly down, hopping off my broom and rushing to his side.

He's unconscious and I begin panicking. Sirius, Remus and Peter appear beside me, also worrying about James.

"Everyone move out the way," McGonagall says, making her way through the crowd of people that had formed. "He needs to be taken to the hospital wing."

Sirius, Remus, Peter and I follow after McGonagall as she takes James into the school. We're made to wait outside the hospital wing, which Sirius tries to argue, but obviously nothing he says works, so we're stuck waiting.

My legs feel exhausted, so I sit down on the floor, smiling slightly when Remus sits down beside me.

"I'm sorry you lost the game," He says.

I just shrug. "It's not a big deal. So what, we lost, it happens. Just means we'll need to try harder next year."

"I'm glad you're not upset about it."

"Yeah. But be prepared because once James is awake I'm sure there will be non-stop tears."

He nods his head, chuckling amusedly. "I bet when he wakes up, he's going to be more upset about losing the match than he is about being injured."

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