24 - The Shit Summer Gets a Bit Better

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My body shakes as Sirius and I hide under James' invisibility cloak, James and Mrs Potter standing in front of us. Mrs Potter knocks on the door of Twelve Grimmauld Place. I feel as though I cant breathe when the door swings open, mum standing on the other side. She scowls upon seeing who is at her door.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"Y/n and Sirius' belonging," Mrs Potter answers calmly. "They said they left some things here that they feel is important to them."

"Well, where are they?"


"You cannot take my children. You have no right to be hiding them from me."

The way she says 'my children' makes me tense up, sending shivers down my spine. Sirius must notice this as he places his hand on my shoulder, bringing me some comfort.

"They are no longer your children," Mrs Potter says and I can tell that she is beginning to get angry. "A good mother would never hurt her kids. When they arrived at my house Y/n was bleeding out and Sirius was covered in bruises. If you think I am ever letting you anywhere near them ever again, you are very much so mistaken."

This is kinda a lie considering we are technically standing only a few feet away from her, but mum doesn't know that.

"I am not letting a blood traitor into my home." Mum says.

"Just let James go in and get their stuff, he wont be long."

"No, I-"

"If you just let him in now, you will never have to see any of us again," Mrs Potter says. "If not, I will not stop coming here until we get Sirius and Y/n's things."

"Fine." Mum says frustratedly.

With a slight nudge from Mrs Potter, James walks into the house, Sirius and I sneakily following after him.

"Which room is it?" James whispers, knowing we're right behind him.

"Up the stairs, second to the left." Sirius whispers back.

We enter the room and Sirius throws the invisibility cloak onto his bed.

James and Sirius talk as they grab all his belongings, but I remain silent.

It's weird being back here. It's scary being back here.

What if mum comes in and catches us? I cant deal with any more pain.

"Y/n?" James voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn to face the boys, who are both looking at me in concern.


"Are you okay?" Sirius asks. I nod.

I realise that most of my stuff is already packed - a majority of it stayed in my school trunk, all I really had to pack was some clothes, a couple books, some parchment and quills, stuff like that.

"I'll be back in a minute." I say, grabbing the cloak and throwing it over me before walking out the room.

I go knock lightly on Regulus' door. He answers and is clearly confused when he doesn't see anyone.

"It's me," I whisper and he is shocked. "Let me in."

He steps aside and I enter the room, taking off the cloak as he closes the door.

"Fucking hell," He mumbles, pulling me in for a hug. "I was so worried about you. I thought that- that, well-"

"Doesn't matter," I say, knowing what he was trying to say. "I'm fine, I promise. Besides, I'm immortal, nothing can kill me. I just came to make sure you're okay."

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now