39 - Love Is In the Air

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"Lily, please just tell him." I whine.

"How?" She asks. "How exactly do you tell a boy you like him?"

"I don't know, James is a bit of a drama queen, maybe a grand gesture," I suggest and Lily glares at me. "Ok, sorry, I'm just trying to help."

"You're not very helpful." Lily says.

"Maybe you should just be blunt with him," Marlene suggests. "Just walk up to him and say 'James, I like you, do you want to go on a date with me sometime?' Easy."

"How is that easy?" Lily asks.

"James asks you out like that almost every day," Alice says. "It cant be that difficult."

"Maybe I could just wait until he asks me out again, then I'll say yes." Lily says.

"That wont be happening anytime soon," I say. "James said that he's trying to be more mature and responsible and that means that he's not going to ask you out anymore."

Lily groans. "Why is this so difficult?"

"I could tell him for you." I offer.

"Y/n, we're not twelve," Lily says. "I need to tell him myself."

"Well do it soon, I'm not very good at keeping secrets from him."


"I think I should just move on from Lily," James says the next day at breakfast and I choke on the juice I was drinking. "Its clear she doesn't like me back, maybe I'm just wasting my time."

"I need to do something." I say and quickly rush over to where Lily, Alice and Marlene were sitting.
"You need to tell him." I say urgently.

"What? Now?" She asks.

"Probably a good idea to do it now." I say while nodding my head. "He's considering moving on, Lily. He thinks he's just wasting his time. You need to tell him before he gets a date with some bitch that isn't right for him."

"Are you sure that I should tell him?" Lily asks. "What if him moving on is the best thing for him?"

"Tell him!" Me, Alice and Marlene exclaim at the same time.

"Go tell him. Now." Marlene commands. I walk with Lily back over to where the boys were sitting. I sit back down beside Remus and Lily looks at me pleadingly.

"Uhh, James, Lily wants to speak to you." I say and James stands up, giving me a confused look.

James and Lily walk to the other end of the Great Hall and I watch them with a huge grin on my face.

"What just happened?" Sirius asks. "You choked on your drink and ran away, then you came back with Lily, who just so happened to want to speak to James right after he said that he is going to move on. Now you're grinning like a crazy person."

"Lily likes James." I explain.

"What?!" Sirius and Peter exclaim simultaneously.

"I told her that she needs to tell James before its too late." I say and see Sirius smiling at me. "What?" I ask.

"You are the greatest friend ever." He says.

"You're saying that now, but the other day when I took the last piece of toast I was a bitch."

"I did not say that." Sirius says defensively.

"Yes you did." Remus says and Sirius narrows his eyes at him. Remus narrows his eyes at Sirius in a joking and mocking manner.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1] - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now