Tears Song

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you see these tears
falling down my cheeks,
they're signs I'm not ok,
they're There because of you.

those words you engraved in my mind,
they're what I tell myself everyday,
these tears are my memories of my life.
The tears that won't go away,
won't dry forever,

they fall and they fall
pouring like a storm.
These tears you see every day
they don't disappear,
they come back again and again,
To remember those years.

you think I want this,
well I don't,
you think I like this,
well I don't. 

I want it to stop,
for it to all be open,
I'm not like everyone else,

I'm broken,
I'm different,
I'll never be the same again.
these tears are your fault,
this fake smile, your fault.
Not only am I bruised physically,
I have emotional scars,

I can never get rid of,
Tears come as I think,
of leaving this world,
giving it all up,
just to release this pain I felt daily.
I'm broke,
what you see before you today,
this crying mess,
this is a reflection of what is in my heart,

in my mind,
in my thoughts.
I'm all alone,
I have no one to keep me from the cold,
I was released from your hold.

All you see is a girl who cuts,
what the real picture is is a confused,

teenager who doesn't know who they are,
what they are.

I feel different,
shunned upon,
because I don't feel normal,

people think I do this to myself for fun,
well they are wrong.
I'm suffering,
I have no help and you think I enjoy this?
You think I like this,
I live like this as a choice?

My heart is a constant storm,
a swirl of emotions and thoughts,
if I gave up
I hurt those few people
who care about me,
friends and family.

If I stay on then I hurt myself,
protecting others only hurts me,
you just see a freak,
well when I look in the mirror I see a ghost.

The old me, the young innocent girl,
who had no care in the world,
then life happened,
I had people I loved die.
Life is so cruel,
it brought so many tears,
over the years,

I cry every day
wishing I would just die.
It is so easy,
I could just make all this pain go away,
it could all be done in a second,
like the rain,
it comes and falls,
heavy then it just stops.

Life makes me just want to grab a knife 1 2 3, it's all over,
everything is gone,
I can be peaceful.
The only problems is all the tears it would cause,
bringing everyone's fears to life,
my friends say I fear one day I'll lose you,
to the bullies.
I don't want to let the bullies win,
if I leave they win,
they will do it to someone else who doesn't deserve it.

They don't know what goes on in others lives,
I have troubles already and they add to it, making it worse,
it could be so easy to give in to the feelings,
there would be no tears.

But tears need to fall,
to be free,
to drip endlessly down my cheeks,
it's what makes me human,
I am not weird or a freak
I am human.
I need these tears.
These tears keep my fears away I am living because of these tears and not in spite.

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