tempest and nova 📸 :)

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(Request delited, dessision of the person themself.)

Hmm.. do i wanne? Hmmmmm

butt the coiche is fluff or angst. i know i alweys use angst cus im very bad at the good sides but wat if i tried doing both? hmm i problebly will verget it but im gonne try it. also i need to look up books with fluff as im not sure wat it is. also thank you for your sugestion! information if i accedentally use bulluing i meen tempest oki? aniways enjoyyyy nova is thier 3 of blaze btw


when collected his 3the tier he lost complete control making him the villain his brothers had to fight. fire was on his hair his clothes. ice was watching his brother going insane he was also the first one being attacked. "blaze! get a hold of yourself!" ice yelled. the tempertior got hot and ice felt his hand melting. "BACK ME UP" ice then yelled as the others were running towards them to help him. taufan got into his 3the form and blaze or nova frooze at watever he was doing. he dropped ice and looked furieus towards tempest. "what?" tempest was suprised but knew somthing was off as how fast nova put his attention on tempest and let go of ice. 

"how are you back?!" he sounded scared? and mad to! nova ran in to attack but tempest dodged the attack. "who?" tempest tried to get answerres but it was hard to make nova talk as he was only attacking the wind element. "ice your closest to blaze who is he talking about?" solar asked ice as he helped the brother up. "i- i don't know that. i knew he was hiding somthing but i never got able to hear wat it was!" ice being in stress looked at nova attacking tempest who is only dodging the boy. "then we have to find out who he means, ground PUNCH!" gempa made the ground trap nova to at least give tempest a little rest as he began to look tired. to there suprise nova still wasn't tired.

for a seconde tempest could make up a smoll smile on nova's face bifore he got punched in the face. "agh!" he yellep out by suprise, he fell to the ground but knew somthing else was comming so he layed himself on the ground completly. by the sudden action of tempest the others stressed out a bit. " WATS HE DOING!?" thunder screamed out in complete stress. then a bomb or somthing exploded were the 2 were. "EARTH BARRIOR" gempa yelled bifore a barrior protected them.  after a bit it went silence... "GET AWEY FROM MEE!!!" sombody screamed really loud and it made thorn stand up first. he saw nova in tears backing up from tempest who looked in pain by the impact of wat exploded.  "I SAID GET AWEY" thorn then got pulled back to the ground and another explosion happend.

after it thorn got up again first and ran off towards nova. who was new the only one standing there. after nova spotted thorn running towards him fire on his body got higher, tempertior way higher then bifore. it was as if he was trying to scare thorn awey. "you.. DONT GET TO ME MONSTER!!" nova yelled while he had tears streaming down his face untill he felt somthing grab his legg. it tempest! "CALM THE FUCK DOWN NOVA, YOUR KILLING US WITH THE HEAT!!" tempest gripping nova's legg yelled. "kill?" it sounded more terrefied then what he sounded all this time. "nova? who do you see" and with that nova looked back to angry and scared. "GET OFF ME YOU LIAR! YOUR TRICKING ME INTO BELIEVING STUFF THATS NOT TRUE! GO DIE RATTAKA" it was at that moment they knew who he imagend tempest was.

ice's eyes lid up after hearing it. he remmemberd blaze being extreemly scared after they won the fight. each month he would have that 1 nightmare were rattakka returned wile they would be in a mission all toghether. butt in blaze's nightmare  he was the only one leftfighting rattakka. new that ice knew about the whole thing he yelled it towards tempest to try and hug blaze as long as possible and tell him stuff to make him realise rattakka is not there. "GOT IT" tempest yelled back bifore gettting up and imidiently going in for a hug. he hugged nova thigt. as tight as possible even.

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