thorn x solar

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Lets goooooo!!! this will be a universety idk wat its called butt thorn still goes to school! but he sleeps there and its been a long time sinds he saw his famely. just wanded to give you guys the info! 

thorn pov!

taday is the day! im going home again!! i will return tommorow at 5 in the afternoon i have lots of things to do to get home so i made it more fun by challenging myself! im taking a taxi rn with a classmate who is gonne go to work thats why i asked to go with them! i had freinds that acted like eather blaze or gempa! it was fun! if i was sick my friends took good care of me! if i was bored the actief ones helped me! i also dit stuff for them! i helped with there homwork! cus i remmemberd a lot off math! gym was not fun, usually i love it but this year it was the time were people hid evrithing getting me in trouble a lott! and im sure my roommates at home heard about all the stuff i spooked out in the school. hehe oops?

aniways when the taxi stoped i got out and my clasmate left. i had an hour bifore my train was comming and as i looked for my phone i realised i wasn't allouwd to have it at school so i never brought it! i remmberd my friend had there phone but they had work so i should wait for my train. i bought myself somthing from gempa's card as he told me i was allouwd to use it when i was going back home! really nice right? well i think it is my bullies just say im a brat. i bought myself a drink some lunch and a notebook and cryons! i dont like spending others money like ice but he uses it for ice-cream a lott. i sat there waiting patiently while i drew on the note book i bought! my drink and food were up after 15 minutes! 

i still had to do so many transports untill there picking me up! i know for a fact solar will be there! 30 minutes past and  began to wurry if i missed my train cus that would mean i messed my intire ride home up! i looked for a clock at the train station and right there and then i saw the train just arrived! but i was 10 minutes awey from it cus i looked for a clock! i ran as fast as i could and luckely i got on bifore it left! i sat down but realised i had no ticket yet! i had vergotten to buy it! i hoped i dint had to get oof but sadly i dit. i was told to buy a ticket and get the next train who will arive after 1 hour witch ment i will come home later and wurry the others for 1 hour!! i felt so bad that i imidiently got the ticket! 

after waiting an hour i got on the train but i was starting to get tired! it was the worst timing cus i had to stay up 40 minutes bifore i could start sleeping in a bus! but bicus i had to take a 1 hour later train i started thinking for aa way to go home faster! i ended up thinking of only trains! and when those are done i would go to a bus! but i really hoped i would just get close cus they were gonne wait for me at a park close to the point i was gonne exit witch now is not gonne happen! i planned this for a long time! and i vergot to buy my train ticket causing me to have problems going home now! well atleast i can write evrthing down on my note book! 

_the day thorn would arrive back_

"GUYS WAKE UP!!!! THORN IS COMMING HOME!!!!!" it was blaze he was so hyped he was arleady ready to go. when they arrived at the park gempa told blaze and taufan to play in the playground right next to them and for ice who looked very sleepy to take a little nap. now solar was ready to record the wholesem moment of his thorny comming back! "its time, hes comming now" thunder said as he had just looked at the time. after 20 minutes of waiting evrithing went silence between them even the 2 playing in the playground stoppen by the sudden silence. another 20 minutes go by and at this point solar was contacting thorn's school to know if he even left and when he dit.

"guys.. i think.. no.. hes late for somthing im sure" "wat do you think he was late for?" "well the documents abbout thorn's school say that he loves making caosh in the class with his friends! maybe he's doing another route?" ice nodded. "i think so to taufan, but it could also be bad news" they stayed there for 5 more hours untill they disided to go to the police station to report thorn missing. but just at that moment there was screaming! "GUYS WAIT!!" solar turned arround just like the others and they saw thorn running to them. "gha thorn! watch out were you run!" quake yelled but thorn dint lissend and ran right into solar hugging him tight. "im so sorryyy! i vergot to buy a ticket yesterday and got told to wait an hor bifore the next one but bicus i dint had a phone i had to look for a clock and then i had to run to get on the train! 

luckely i got in just in time bifore it drove awey! but i was tired and had to stay aweke still for 40 minuyes and-" thorn got shut up by a sudden hand on his mouth. thorn looked up and saw a concerned but smiling bf witch was solar, "im just glad your here flower~" "me to sun!" "lets go home so you can rest better i hear you had a lott of things happening to you on the way home?" "yeah! it was so stressful!" "well you can tell me all about it while your on my back" thorn got on solars back but bifore he started talking he was off to sleep. "night sunshine~"


waaaaa!! so cute!! idk i found it fun to do- im trying new things in these ships! like this one!! hope you liked it!! bye!!!! btw i have no requests animore XD so im gonne wait again!!! 

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