its a book were i ship all elements with eachother or your requests! Or the wheel who disides the ship.
There is yaoi in it!
Warninhs included for when the parts happen!
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Another request!!! Yay!! Shreyanka11 here's your tag!! gempa and thunder! unic ship! just like ani other i love doing the element ships! its fun to leurn more ships! dont got to wurry of me not doing it! i will do your ships alweys! evribody's ships witch are commented wil be done by me :D i inforn you i ate 3 icecreams rn XD aniways onto the page!!
thunder was having a talk with gempa (his boyfriend~ XD) it was a calm day today. seemed like trio trouble was having fun doing stuff outside. ice was lazely walking arround and falling often witch made gempa wurried. "im sure hes fine" "look at him!" ice seemed to heard them and tried not to fall out. "hey ge-" and there he fell to the ground. gempa ran towards ice trying to get him bifore he could hurt himself but failed and ice was on the floor. and bifore you can iagen it caosh happend ass pranks started happening evriwere. "STOP" was wat gempa yelled out frustrated but wurried as he looked down at the uncousiues ice and when blaze saw his fav brother like it he realised it was somthing not normal.
"wat happend to him?" it was a wurried voice from the fire element. "i dont know wat happend all i noticed was the ammount of times he passed out doing anithing" gempa then made solar carry ice to his room while blaze was told to get some wet blancets to put on the head of ice. after a while ice was recovering slowly being able to do his usual stuff again. trio trouble dint wanne do pranks that day animore or even untill ice was better again. gempa made food for evribody bifore brining ice some healthy food to heal or help his body recover. "gem can i do it?" thorn asked and made gempa smile a little. "ofcourse but can you also stay with him as company until he asks to go to sleep?" thorn nodded and left not much later blaze also left to go to him.
after a while evribody was done eating and dit there stuff. nobody stayed in the house other then ice who was now sleeping and gempa who was cleaning in the kitchen with thunders help. "princess?" thunder said reading one of his comments on a post. "dont call me that hun" thunder looked up and smiled. an hour later he asked gempa somthing. "if bees make honey then they dit a pretty good job on you" thunder tried flirting but trying to not embarres himself to much. "hmm? wat dit you say, i dint hear you" thunder gave up at that point and sighned. "somthing wrong?" gempa walked closer to thunder cupping his face in his hands. "no im okey, just tried flirthing with ya but you dint hear it" "oh, sorry buddy, but i know somthing we can do!" thunder looked at gempa confused bifore he was pulled in a suprising kiss. "hmp!" was his reaction but thunder joined the kiss.
gempa released the kiss after a bit and noticed how thunder was a blushing madness. it made gempa giggle "could of warned me!" "heh sorry butt i like this one" "can we kiss again gem? you taste like coffee~" this time gempa started blushing and thunder went in for the kiss. they dit this for a while they got a video send to them of the whole seen the 2 had toghether. thunder blushed at all the comments on that vid "aww!!" "so cute!!" "kawai!!" "nice" "wat dit he taste like?~" "more!!!" . it really made him embareesed for a long period. gempa just let it go and checked in on thunder a few times a day to see how he slowly began to act normal again.
i bet the comments were also dirty~ hehehehhe! oke aniways this was it!! if you guys got more ships for me please request them i would be happy to do them! :D hope yall enjoied it!!