Gentar x sopan :0

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heres the request!! 

(Request delited, dessision of the person themself.)

thank you for it!! so i know i like angst but im gonne try make it fluff! im saying im gonne try as i never really dit that bifore. still hope you like it!


sopan was flying in the sky with tempest. they were watching from the sky on tempest hoverbeard. sopan has noticed his boyfreind gentar walking with supra. they had gone to the store a few hours ago and it looked like they just returned. sopan asked to go down so he could get off. tempest dit as the boy had asked and went down so sopan could get off. after sopan got down he walked inside the house as he saw the 2 go there. when he entered the kitchen to see the 2 filling the fridge. having an dea in his head he slowly dit a suprise hug to gentar.

gentar looked arround to see his boyfreind hugging him. sori had walked in and dragged supra awey to show him somthing leaving the 2 lovebirds alone. gentar had cuckled as he saw supra being dragged awey in utter confusion. The 2 in the kitchen looked at eachother for a moment bofore gentar pulled him up and kissed the others lips.

"Gentar?" Sofan asked using his lovers name. The other hummed and waited for the question. "Can we take a nap after you placed all the things in the fridge?" Sofan was looking tired aniway so gentar accepted. After the fridge was full again he turned to the table were his lover was lazely sitting. As he turned arround he saw sofan with his face on the the table as if he was resting his head on it.

Gentar for closer and tapped his b1ck untill he heard a little tiny snore. Sofan had fallen asleep while gentar was filling the fridge. It was a cute sight he tought. He picked the boy up and brought him to bed. Placing him under his blackets and doing the lights off. He also joined the lover's  bed. He also later on fell asleep.


This was it! I know its short and all but its litterly my first time making a story with it. Its hard but i like doing it tho- it felt fun to me. Aniways its rn 00:48 in the morning and im qtaying up late today cus i felt like it. It also then my second time staying up late!

Aniways hope you enjoied!

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