gempa x solar/gamma x kristal

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Heya!! Its been so long sinds i had a request OwO, im currently making a book for gempa!~ but i can do it later sinds well- i need to sleep rn- its already 1:00 in the morning so woo me

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Heya!! Its been so long sinds i had a request OwO, im currently making a book for gempa!~ but i can do it later sinds well- i need to sleep rn- its already 1:00 in the morning so woo me....uh i have shool hehehehe oh shit. And even a test! Im not even kidding, i dint bother learning cus- i dint want it hehe-

Ngl, i really vergot who tok asa was when i readed it TwT

Okey- im gonne starts another day- i really need sleep for tommorow- bifore i get a crisis of "NOOOOO" in my mind. Yesterday was valentine :3

Heyyy!! Its now fryday owo! Its currently 6:35 and i woke up at 5:00 for work (school kind tho idk wats the right name in english for "stage" sooo i wanne start now- if it works bicus rn im waiting for my train. Not sure if i can write somthing in 4 minutes

Hello again!~ still same day but now its 19:16! Im gonne start now~

next dat currently 18/02/2023 and i have fanelly started!

 (its- not a ship like this but hope you still support the time i took for this)

ratakka and tok kasa were best friends, they even had there own powers! untill..days past and over the years ratakka observed other elements to use for the bad. tok asa watched and when he knew it was going to far witch he should of done way ezrlier then at he dit he took action. he fought his best friend. gamma had a hard time sinds he never wanded to be used for bad, each time ratakka would use a power that sombody had inside him the element would scream in pain as there forced to hurt the other. tok kasa maniged to free the elements and trapped rattaka in cristals, but over the long years he escaped..he seaked revange.

kristal watched how all the elements got freed and all were put in safety bots who then also got transforted awey. tho- he was wurried for his bestf friend gemma, tok kasa was getting tired. he dit just win but for some reason his element went week untill it broke the staff he was holding. the crystall now a rock in the staff turned weak. a bit later also his element disepeared..

years later (boboiboy owns the elements now)

gempa was sitting on a chair in the living, he reminded the day he met gemma a while ago his old buddy who he had to safe from the bad side, from rattaka.. recently he turned to be in a sad mood often, the other elements dint know how to help that much sinds when they tried it the first day it worked but right when the next day started it started all over again.nobody liked seeing there leader this sad and hated how it bicame an evry day mood now. gempa couldn't do anithing about it tho he felt tired, missed his best friend, wurried but also angry at how they dint help him sooner.

right now he was looking at the cock slowly tikking its way to the next hour, he was being watched closely by the other elements from time to time. it was getting wurse when gempa had disided to stay up during night making him only sleep for a while. sola noticed the newest bihavior and was wurried, tried making gempa go to bed but failed. when he told the others about wat he witnessed evribody was frowning..was gempa gonne be okey again?

soon ratakka showed up again, and when they splitted gempa saw only revange inside him. he wanted to make the best he could to defeat him! defeat the one villain he never fergot! he showed stenght, he dint wanne face to be weak now. he needed to win! but even if they fought him good with a plan it failed for the got taken first..he then turned into gamma and thats when it hit gempa..'he was never gone, he was with him all this time' he watched as also thorn;, halilintar and taufan got captured and taken awey from him..

he discriped them as brothers, even if they never were he had a strong band with them...but new that there felt cold inside him. a tear came from his eyes bifore boboiboy took bakc controll he gripped his hand rock. inside the watch was queit, 2 boys were crying while one observed the 2.. gempa: cried of failing to protect as a leader to the other elements. blaze was crying sind he lost 'brothers'.

ice watched the screen to see wat was happening outside but he himself felt like he got stabbed in the heart. tho he dealed with pain in other ways..mainly, his sleep. its alweys a way to escape real life but now it would be impossible to wake up from his nightmare. gempa has been out of it in the past days, they were stranded on an island with his old owner.  he was suprised he was even alive but he dint pay that much attention to his old owner as his 2 other elements or to him brothers needed support to get true it.

they trained, got stronger and over time boboiboy had to pay for being trained?! they tought it was free! but no- and boboiboy dint have any money on him eather, so tok kasa took his old element back making both boboiboy and gempa scream. the 2 other elements were horrified and yelling there leaders name out very loud! when gempa was back to kristal he felt somwat weaker then wat he was with boboiboy earlier..ofcourse, now he wasn't his owner animore but he still wanted to help in any way.

after a while even tok asa seemed to have failed...but he even 'died..' kristal was afread he was still in the stone but in so much pain, he was so tired too..he couln't do it. his element was drained and taken by rattaka while the others watched as evrithing got wurse.. when kristal got in the place wer all the elements were in rattaka he found himself next to gamma. he felt an arm being placed on his shoulder, it felt warm and conforting but bifore he could make a little smile appear his body ached from the pain...he was being used, he screamed in pain evry other element in there watched how the other yelled but they coundl't do anithing about it wasn't there choise.

kristal felt so much pain, he already had a loss of his owner and the pain when he got taken awey from his last brothers and his good owner boboiboy and now that hes here...its wurse. his body hurted so much, he was trying to make the ringing in his ears stop by gripping his head while tears stream dowb his face. he never likes to be forced to do things and especually this. after a lott of painfull screams his voice lowerd but at that moments his voice also rose to the highes note yet! he got colected inside ochobot and felt at ease again there. ones he saw frostfire he knew they could beat him! the 2  splitted and after a long but winning fight..evry element was back at boboiboy and blaze hugged his fellow trouble makers while ice took his nap on hali showing how he missed his oldest element. gempa and solar looked at eachother bifore hugging eachother tight. 


not really a ship in this page i know- but i litterly almost writed the intire movie! and thats wat i wasn't going for!! you know the date i started with right? well i ended this at

date: 20/2/2023

the movie-> BoBoiBoy Movie 2

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