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(This is another of my drawings UwU👍)

Science's POV:

(Today it is the scientist's turn to narrate, what a novelty, right? :v)

I was reviewing my notebook preparing a material for my next studies, until I heard how the door of my laboratory was opened abruptly, identifying the silhouette of the monster or skeleton that had entered.

"Killer? What are you doing here? It's not time for your review yet" I spoke confused.

"I-I've made a d- d-decision" I heard Killer speak trying to make his words understandable despite being sobbing.

"Are you okay?!" I exclaimed avoiding the assassin's fall "You should calm down first, we can talk la-" I spoke exalted being interrupted.

"I-I want to have...

An abortion"


Hearing those two words left me in shock, what had led Killer to make a decision like that? he was supposed to be happy recently with the fact that he had his son.

"Are you sure? Aren't you making a very hasty decision?" I spoke worried helping Killer to take a seat on the gurney.

"I-I don't know" he replied, wiping his tears, still agitated.

"But what happened?" I asked exalted "Two weeks ago you were the happiest about your baby's growth" I finished speaking looking at him disappointed.

"I-I don't have a choice!" He yelled at me crying again "I-if I don't do it, my baby and I will d-die at the hands of the person I love" I heard him utter hiding his tearful face with his hands.

'To be killed? What does he mean? For the person he love he mean the father of his child?' I thought even more confused.

"Who would be so cruel to murder you even knowing that you are expecting a child?" I spoke sarcastically receiving an angry look from the killer making me swallow hard.

"Nightmare..." he replied dryly without a hint of sparkle in his pupil.

The room fell silent and that name echoed in my head even without being completely assimilated, running a small chill down my spine when I realized it.

"Did you sleep with Nightmare!?" I yelled in amazement. I wanted to ask him a million questions at that moment but I noticed how, having shouted, Killer had stepped back a few centimeters scared. "Sorry..." I murmured loud enough to be heard, scratching the back of my neck in regret.

Hearing my apologies, the murderer seemed calmer and we began a small conversation, lightening the atmosphere.

After calming down enough, Killer proceeded to tell me about the plan that had been made to have a day without the screams of the nightmare, how Nightmare did not remember anything after spending the night with him, because of the de-stressing that turned out to be an aphrodisiac, how he came to discover that he was pregnant thanks to me and finally the conversation he had had with his boss before teleporting by chance to the front of my laboratory, while I listened to every detail without reproaching or judging his actions.

"Is there no other way? Maybe if you run away or ask the Star Sanses for help you can raise your baby without needing an abortion" I tried to talk to convince him.

Killer's gaze turned soft and melancholic, his face told me that he had already thought of the same thing as me before coming.

"Escape is not an option, Nightmare can feel the negative feelings even in distant universes... with the fear of being found it would be easy to perceive my negativity" Killer directed his gaze towards me and then towards his belly starting to rub it in small circles with his index finger in a relaxing massage mode, my expression said that there was still hope if we asked for the protection of the Star Sanses, but they were broken by continuing to hear the murderer's words "It is true that with the protection of the Star Sanses my presence could be covered and it would be less likely to find me, but that would be the first place where Nightmare would look for me and he would not rest until he found me, what I have been able to learn from my Boss is that he hates betrayal and I would be betraying him"

My hopes of reasoning out a way to avoid the abortion were futile as I found no safe plan with no other choice but to accept the murderer's decision.

"I can give you a maximum of two weeks before the abortion" I spoke in the middle of a disappointed sigh "I know you need time to say goodbye to him" I finished speaking pointing to the oppossite's belly expressing that he should take his time.

"I-is i-it going to hurt him?" He asked me with a trembling voice, avoiding looking at me.

Unable to find the right words, I turned my back on the murderer "I'll try..." I told him, making him understand that it wasn't safe.

"...Thank you..." he replied quietly, I realizing from his tone that he was holding back from crying again.

A few seconds later I could hear the door being closed behind me hearing footsteps recede.

Checking that there was no one, I sat at my desk still depressed.

I decided to continue what I was doing before the killer showed up, unsuccessful in concentrating.

Without further ado, I began to write what would be necessary for the future operation in two weeks, I had to handle everything carefully if I didn't want to make mistakes.

The truth is that I am totally against abortion but I also have a second reason why I think it should be done.

If Killer and Nightmare's child were to be born it would be very dangerous, not every time you have the opportunity to know that a possible threat to peace in the entire Multiverse will be born.

A monster's maternal instincts should not go unnoticed due to the magic they contain, if Killer's guess was correct then the similarity of the baby to be born could be equal to the prince of nightmares and could become a merciless cruel being. making it a possible threat.

'Perhaps your destiny was not to be born in this world after all...' I thought to myself closing my sockets for a slight moment.

Little did I know that a large presence had appeared right behind me at that moment.

So far today's chapter hoping you liked it.

Today starts the one-week marathon putting out chapters, I would be more than grateful if you were on the lookout for the following chapters, since these could give you some clues of what is to happen in the future.

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting on this book, without your support I would not have come this far!

I want to remind you that English is not my first language and I use the translator to make this version of my original book that is on my profile in Spanish, if you have been interested in the book and know how to read Spanish feel free to check it out.

With nothing more to say


1209 words.

Papa Nightmare? [Nightkiller] [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now