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(Another of my drawings UwU👍, you wanted to know what happened to Crescent, right? Well, here it goes)

~Time before~

Nightmare's POV:

"LISTEN TO ME, you have to tell me EVERYTHING that is happening with Killer unless you want me to get information the hard way" I spoke annoyed, leaving his body on the floor again.

My anger was indescribable and if I didn't reduce it I would have to put up with my stupid brother later, I took small breaths to calm my anger and continued in what I was.

"Why should I tell you?" Science replied with a victorious grin.

'So this is how we're going to play?' I thought to myself.

"I don't know if I am wrong, but I heard somewhere that they saw you dating with the Sans from Outertale" I replied with a smile from side to side, the negativity that the scientist was giving off gave me a little humor.

"What do you want to get at with this?" He answered me changing his victory face to a serious one.

"I don't know, maybe..." I said getting close to his non-existent ear "If by any chance he, you understand me... SUDDENLY DISAPPEARS" I finished speaking with a chilling tone, teleporting a few steps away when I noticed how the scientist wanted to push me.

"I DON'T THINK YOU WOULD BE CAPABLE" He reproached me angrily.

"So you think?" I asked opening a portal that revealed the view of Outertale.

I turned to see Science's face, noticing how he filled with fear and ended on his knees.

"I'll tell you what you want! Just leave Outer out of this..." He replied almost on the verge of tears.

I closed the portal to Outertale and approached the scientist waiting for him to tell me what he wanted in detail.

Science got up from the floor and sat on a nearby chair with difficulty staring at me.

"So, what is really wrong with Killer?" I asked with crossed arms leaning against the wall.

"K-killer is..." He stopped, looking away nervously.

"Is?" I asked impatiently.

"Expecting a child!" he shouted to the four winds.

"..." It had to be a joke, right?

How could everything he was telling me be true, how was it possible that my best trusted man was pregnant?

"Do you want to play a prank on me at a time like this?! Do you want to die?!" I yelled very angry.

"I am telling the truth!" He exclaimed turning his eyes to the desk pointing to a pile of papers "The proof should be among that pile of papers, in there should be the test I did the first time you brought him here" he replied scared covering his face.

I paid no attention to the frightened face of the scientist and continued on towards the pile of papers, going through the sheets one by one, until I found one in particular with the name of Killer...

Name of patient:
Killer sans

Analysis carried out:
Magic check

Predicted with almost a month of pregnancy.

Conclusion of current status:
Due to making forced movements, he was almost the victim of an abortion, causing him to be in a delicate condition.

When I finished reading what the shet said, I was shocked, letting the page fall to the ground.

An enormous anger originated in my soul and I took Science by the shoulders wanting to break each one of his bones.


'Whoever was the bastard who dared to touch MY Killer, will pay dearly, no matter how many times he begs for his life, I will break each limb of his body one by one, listening to each cry begging for mercy!' I yelled to myself.

"I thought you already figured it out, I didn't know you were such an idiot" the scientist replied sarcastically.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" I asked releasing my murderous aura and slowly turning my face towards him (like in horror movies).

"What I mean is that YOU are that damned who touched Killer" he replied without paying much attention to my murderous aura and the terrifying expression I had on my face.

"What?!" I asked even more confused "I don't remember having!-" I was interrupted.

"You were under the influence of a very strong aphrodisiac, according to what Killer told me" the scientist interrupted me.

Hearing that made me think about the strange attitude that Killer had around me, that explained many things and even more the reason why he reacted that way when I did tell him that I would kill anyone who dared to proclaim that was expecting my child.

In a way, the fact that the killer is expecting my child made me strangely happy, I wanted to go to Killer and hug him tightly, so much so that he couldn't get away from me even if he wanted to.

But that feeling was short-lived upon hearing Science's words.

"You don't have to worry since in two weeks he is planning to abort him" the scientist continued speaking with total pride, as if he had said what I expected to hear.

My pupils vanished at the word abortion...

Killer plans to abort him?, why would-

It was my fault, right?

It's the most probably yes...

I have to find a way to tell him that he doesn't need to do it, that he can count on me to take care of the baby, that it was all a misunderstanding, that-


Will he even listen to me?

If I tell him that I know about the existence of the baby, won't that cause him to get upset and hurt himself?

Is best to think things calmly, it wouldn't do me any good to be in a hurry and spoil everything.

First things first, I had to find a way to prevent the abortion.

And second...

Bring back the memories of that night.

And I know who could be perfect to help me.

So far today's chapter hoping you liked it.

I'm sorry for not posting this chapter yesterday, I was having some issues with Wattpad.

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting in this book, without your support I would not have come this far!

We have 2.45k of views! Can you believe it?!

To think that when I started this version in English I was expecting a slower process but we have already got this far.

Seriously thank you very much 😭!

I want to remind you that English is not my first language and I use the translator to make this version of my original book that is on my profile in Spanish, if you have been interested in the book and know how to read Spanish feel free to check it out.

With nothing more to say


1158 words.

Papa Nightmare? [Nightkiller] [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now