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Killer's POV:

In the end I had been convinced by Crescent and Nightmare about staying in the castle.

"I always end up in situations like this" I sighed tiredly talking to myself as I lay near the edge of my bed, trying to sleep in such an uncomfortable situation.

Lately, only unexpected things were happening to me and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if something else happened. I thought that what happened three years ago had been enough, but apparently fate never thought the same as me.

Defining what happened to me in a few words would be difficult and by recalculating everything that happened I could confirm that they were not events that any normal person would have the courage to endure.

It's still difficult for me to know since when everything started to go wrong, a lot of bad things have happened to me if I'm honest but they have taught me to appreciate every little moment of happiness that I have managed to obtain in the course of my life.

Despite everything, I have managed to move forward and that is the important thing, my goals and objectives have changed over time, but what I am sure of is that I will not allow myself to lose anyone again.

The way I got my emotions back was completely unexpected, a fleeting event that happened suddenly.

At that moment my emotions were out of control due to the fact of not having had the ability to feel for a long time. It was all hard to take in and having that sudden shock of feelings only led me to worry what Nightmare would do the moment he knew I had my emotions back.

In the midst of my panic I teleported to an empty place, everything was black and I could see several floating parts of the final room where the Sans normally fight the human.

In that place was where I met Color, a Sans locked in a void similar to the save area where the most genocidal Sans with the name of Geno was. His appearance was similar to that of the classic Sans with the notable difference that he had a part of his broken skull, from which flames came out that changed different colors.

He and I became great friends, he was always very kind to me and helped me be able to control my emotions to the point where Nightmare couldn't perceive them.

I thought we could be friends for a long time...

But everything changed when I told him that I was actually a killer and that I had feelings for the King of Nightmares...

Color just looked at me surprised, he never judged me for being a murderer and that really made me happy.

Everything would have continued well if it weren't for the fact that the way he spoke to me changed a lot.

The most notable change was that he mostly tried to insert into the conversation stories about how people can change and more typical comments of a hero trying to evangelize the villain in fairy tales.

The conversations between us were becoming awkward or at least that's how I saw them. Color had been my first friend outside of the Bad Guys group and I didn't want to lose him... That's why I held on for a long time.


~Time Back~

"W-why are you doing this to me Killer?" He only knew how to ask me confused.

"Why do you think?" I responded with another question, already at my limit.

"What have I done wrong? The only thing I remember doing is treating you with the utmost care and appreciation" His words only made me angry.

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